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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 GQ-4x slow, slow...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
vlad_itj Posted - 11/28/2018 : 05:15:33
I've had this GQ-4X for a long time. From the beginning I realized that it was slow, but it did not cause me problems this "failure". I'm selling this GQ-4X, and I wanted to solve this problem. Is it normal for the programmer to be slow or I have one defective?
Example: EF25QH64 takes 15 minutes to read, in normal mode (Windows 10, only drivers and programmer utility/signed driver). If I change to fast mode (W25X10_FAST in devices.txt)takes only 3 minutes, but with error. Some of the reading (buffer) goes blank (FFFFs) near the end. The reading becomes corrupted. In normal mode, OK, no problems. The same issue happens in Windows XP/Windows 7. Tested in desktop PC, notebook; certified high speed USB 2.0 cable; with/without external power supply adapter.

Any advice, guidance to solve this problem?
I apologize if there is any error in the text. English is not my native language.
Vlad Simas
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
vlad_itj Posted - 12/06/2018 : 06:01:17
ZLM Posted - 12/05/2018 : 21:09:33
GQ-4X is designed about 10 years ago. So, it is slow.

You need a newer version GQ-4x4 programmer.

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