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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 29f033 failes to verify

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pivot94 Posted - 03/11/2017 : 08:11:26
Ok so I an trying to program 29f033 chip.
ID is ok
wipe is ok
write is ok
verify always has an error!

This is the code I used the add the chip to devices:

Name="MBM29F033C*TSOP40",ID="04D4",Class="29F040B",Category="FLASH",MFG="FUJITSU",CodeSize="4194304",DIP="100011110101",Adapter="TSOP40B-DIP32(ADP-077 and ADP-082)";

programmer gq-4x
software ref 6.38
OS win XP

What am I doing wrong!
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ice Man Posted - 03/15/2017 : 06:02:53
I have the solution:
To program 29F033C use an external 9V DC power supply as well while programming! It worked fine for me.
Program OK, Verify OK.
Ice Man Posted - 03/13/2017 : 03:05:20
ebay, aliexpress. There's alot of sites.
pivot94 Posted - 03/12/2017 : 13:55:38
The TL866 supports 29f033?

Where can I get a TL866 and TSOP adapter?

If I find a way to use the GQ-4X I will let you know asap. :)
Ice Man Posted - 03/12/2017 : 05:20:55
29F032 is usually more expensive. TL866 can programm all of them them with adapter just fine. I have been using it all the time for those until I can program them with GQ-4X.

But if you remember your way of programming them on GQ-4X. Please let me know. :D
pivot94 Posted - 03/12/2017 : 00:57:57
gq-4x can program them as I program successfully a few days ago.
I don't know what I did but it just worked.

Someone must have some idea?

If not does anyone know where I can buy 29f032?
Or a programmer that will write to a 29f033 with any problems.
Ice Man Posted - 03/12/2017 : 00:22:17
I have the same problem and no solution so far.


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