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 Can't find devices.txt

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gumi Posted - 01/03/2018 : 23:21:05
I'm having problems writing 27C256 EPROMs. I've read on this forum that I might need to change the device.txt file to match the device's data sheet. However, I cannot find the .txt file on my system. The programmer's documentation says "It is located in the application's directory." I do not see it there and I can't find the file when I search my entire system. Please help me find this file.

Software v7.15
Windows 7

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 01/04/2018 : 15:16:06
Originally posted by gumi

I found the file. Thank you very much!

You're welcome!
gumi Posted - 01/04/2018 : 08:50:59
I found the file. Thank you very much!
anniel Posted - 01/04/2018 : 07:59:53
Originally posted by gumi

I'm having problems writing 27C256 EPROMs. I've read on this forum that I might need to change the device.txt file to match the device's data sheet. However, I cannot find the .txt file on my system. The programmer's documentation says "It is located in the application's directory." I do not see it there and I can't find the file when I search my entire system. Please help me find this file.

Software v7.15
Windows 7


In the USBProg software select "Device" in the menu then "User Folder" and the "devices.txt" should be there.

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