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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 Winbond W25Q256JV

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
triangulum Posted - 12/31/2022 : 03:01:17
Hello, can you please provide a config for the W25Q256JV WSON8 chip?
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 01/18/2023 : 08:06:19
Originally posted by triangulum

Thank you for the clarification.

You're welcome.
triangulum Posted - 01/18/2023 : 00:02:41
Thank you for the clarification.
anniel Posted - 01/17/2023 : 13:50:24
Originally posted by triangulum

Uh, you sure? Given that a ~$10 gadget from AliExpress can do this I would expect this from a ~$100 device too.

Positive. That only shows the gadget has no regulation and current limiting. All professional programmers are designed to work without giving power other than for a single chip except gang programmers and even those won't support powering a PCB.
triangulum Posted - 01/17/2023 : 11:59:12
Uh, you sure? Given that a ~$10 gadget from AliExpress can do this I would expect this from a ~$100 device too.
anniel Posted - 01/17/2023 : 10:45:11
Originally posted by triangulum

Originally posted by anniel
Circuit is powered?


The GQ-4X can not power the whole circuit.
triangulum Posted - 01/17/2023 : 09:59:45
Originally posted by anniel
Circuit is powered?

anniel Posted - 01/17/2023 : 09:55:35
Originally posted by triangulum


Circuit is powered?
triangulum Posted - 01/17/2023 : 09:21:37
anniel Posted - 01/17/2023 : 08:24:05
Originally posted by triangulum

Are you trying to do this in-circuit?
triangulum Posted - 01/17/2023 : 01:33:44
anniel Posted - 01/16/2023 : 16:52:58
Originally posted by triangulum

Unfurtatly I hat no success yet using multiple probes. Either my pinout is wrong or the W25Q256*SOIC16 firmware does not work with this chip?

W25Q256*SOIC16: "Unknown Device"
W25Q256*SOIC16*QUAD: "Signature length error.Please report this bug."

CH341A is reading the chip so it is not broken.

Can you post pictures of you setup?
triangulum Posted - 01/16/2023 : 13:51:31
Unfortunately I had no success yet using multiple probes. Either my pinout is wrong or the W25Q256*SOIC16 firmware does not work with this chip?

W25Q256*SOIC16: "Unknown Device"
W25Q256*SOIC16*QUAD: "Signature length error.Please report this bug."

CH341A is reading the chip so it is not broken.
KillMe3 Posted - 01/04/2023 : 05:06:42
Originally posted by triangulum

Will this work using jumper wires?

sagst du mir Bescheid, ob es geklappt hat!?
anniel Posted - 01/04/2023 : 04:35:50
Originally posted by triangulum

Will this work using jumper wires?

Yes, it should.
triangulum Posted - 01/04/2023 : 04:25:51
Will this work using jumper wires?
KillMe3 Posted - 01/02/2023 : 08:27:44
need also config for this plz
triangulum Posted - 01/01/2023 : 03:40:59
Thank you. What is the correct pin orientation in the programmer ZIF socket when using WSON8 instead of SOIC16?

ZLM Posted - 12/31/2022 : 09:16:35
you can use W25Q256*SOIC16 or W25Q256*SOIC16*QUAD
they are using same read and writ algorithm.

Those two chips are in Re7.31 software.

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