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United Kingdom
79 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2009 :  04:16:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
first i also had..!! problems flashing some types of eproms
like 010 4001 1001 infact most eproms and sensative to time chips
etc etc ... bla bla bla yakiti yakit yak...

i have cured this over any machine,,,

and every chip ive tried so far{about 300}
flashed just fine

i notice they make a new programmer and call it !hi speed 480mbps
this gave me a big clue

in my bios is an adjustment for the usb controller
it says hispeed 480 mbps or full speed 12mbps

i set it to full speed mode {12mpbs}{usb 1.1 speed}

this cured the problems with write underuns completely !!!!
ive tried as big a 4mb eproms with no problems reported

and i think is a problem many people have with this programmer
and other top types

i was just about to order a willam for $29+post


but man i spent i think 50 quid on this top2049
and now im glad i did!!!!!!

i hope i helped another with this info

i think is common to any usb enabled top programmer
and for that matter some others

480mbps is far to fast to maintain
a good latency for programming in RT

and the buffer in the top is too small or something to cope
i think there later model will be better for this

i uninstalled all previous versions of top and deleted all there older exe files

i installed the latest software from
h**p:// {click the english flag}

now i shut down my PC {xp asus p5b motherboard duo core mpu 1gb ram}
when i rebooted i followed the rules to replace the usb drivers
youll find a text in the documents section of the above site
yipEEEE !!! it works atlast

and i was fuming for ages ...
now im happy...

infact the higher speed usb with the top connected
was causing instability problems
if i unpluged it sometimes the machine would just restart
or blue screen
now its fine also ...!!!

and i am little sad becouse my laptop has no such settings for the usb controller
perhaps a quick email to toshiba will end my misery with it

it would be nice to use the programmer with the laptop but not essential
at least the dam thing works now as i need it for eproms for sure !!!

i just find it incredulious that any company fail fully
to point this out to there customers
in big bold writing
so many complaining people i read over the post of

for something so simple in the end..!!

machine toshiba equium laptop usb only type
p5b asus main machine
thinking of adding dual lpt pci card
both used for top and lpt via usb where i can

old p2 programming grumbling tank with xp sp3 for true serial and lpt

all machines bios set to enable bios plug and play aware o/s and lpt spollers services and drivers removed
legacy detection enabled

Edited by - simeon on 06/10/2009 07:43:47
Reply #1


United Kingdom
79 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2009 :  05:51:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

here is the other solution for people who dont have a bios adjustment for there speed

{for base machines with pci slots}

plug in a usb2 full speed 12mbps card

laptop guys i just cant see a solution unless there is a software or registers tweak to turn it too full speed

ill need to have a poke around this toshiba see if it can be done but after some searching i find little info about it

machine toshiba equium laptop usb only type
p5b asus main machine
thinking of adding dual lpt pci card
both used for top and lpt via usb where i can

old p2 programming grumbling tank with xp sp3 for true serial and lpt

all machines bios set to enable bios plug and play aware o/s and lpt spollers services and drivers removed
legacy detection enabled
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Reply #2


United Kingdom
79 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2009 :  06:00:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
again i find a solution for both laptop and main machine

is to force the usb to run at v1.1 12mbps

to do this you need a route hub that allows only 12mbps passage
its the easiest way
you can get them in most places for under £20
i found one here

for about a £5 inc post to solve this issue

a quick test chip confirms the top now runs correctly under the laptops control

this means i can use it for both machines and turn my mainmachine back to 480mbps

problem solved for good!!!!!

machine toshiba equium laptop usb only type
p5b asus main machine
thinking of adding dual lpt pci card
both used for top and lpt via usb where i can

old p2 programming grumbling tank with xp sp3 for true serial and lpt

all machines bios set to enable bios plug and play aware o/s and lpt spollers services and drivers removed
legacy detection enabled

Edited by - simeon on 06/08/2009 06:04:47
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Reply #3


United Kingdom
79 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2009 :  06:39:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If you found this adjustment to usb speeds worked for you

make a post below please

as im still in denial after so many months....

i will post a notice about it on

machine toshiba equium laptop usb only type
p5b asus main machine
thinking of adding dual lpt pci card
both used for top and lpt via usb where i can

old p2 programming grumbling tank with xp sp3 for true serial and lpt

all machines bios set to enable bios plug and play aware o/s and lpt spollers services and drivers removed
legacy detection enabled

Edited by - simeon on 06/08/2009 10:25:19
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Reply #4


United Kingdom
79 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2009 :  12:30:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
+ as a final note as a c++ source conducer

i will say there apps have a few usb directives missing for sure

maybe their top c++ guys need a few new years at uni
or replaced along with there managers and min yins

for sure i would do a better job in 20 mins ... clear out

machine toshiba equium laptop usb only type
p5b asus main machine
thinking of adding dual lpt pci card
both used for top and lpt via usb where i can

old p2 programming grumbling tank with xp sp3 for true serial and lpt

all machines bios set to enable bios plug and play aware o/s and lpt spollers services and drivers removed
legacy detection enabled

Edited by - simeon on 06/08/2009 12:52:19
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Reply #5


United Kingdom
79 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2009 :  15:46:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
the top 2049 has got to be the best programmer i ever used

just programmed a set of 29F256 mils and fine no probs

then 2 27c1001 with no probs { 4 images to one chip hi lo}

the only issue i have
is there software wont allow me to load files to offset buffer locations

so i have to use another programmers software to export the files
i then need to flash

topwin still has a few issues with image handeling

but the timing is aok no probs with an added 1.1 hub in the middle
across eproms flash

and not buffered multi loaded files not yet flashed or run

for sure

machine toshiba equium laptop usb only type
p5b asus main machine
thinking of adding dual lpt pci card
both used for top and lpt via usb where i can

old p2 programming grumbling tank with xp sp3 for true serial and lpt

all machines bios set to enable bios plug and play aware o/s and lpt spollers services and drivers removed
legacy detection enabled

Edited by - simeon on 06/08/2009 15:49:19
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Reply #6


2941 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2009 :  06:49:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is a workaround. It is a short term solution. The problem still exist in the programmer/software itself.
Also, this workarond is only proved by your testing.

But more users need a true fix and a good technical support from manufactuer.

Anyway, it is a good try.
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Reply #7


United Kingdom
79 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2009 :  23:56:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

workaround not really....???

its miss use of directives in the driver jungo windriver.sys.

if you look at there code with a usb analyser,
youll see the string to set the usb typing isnt addressed,
so the driver simply hammers along at full speed
until you limit it at port level.

the programmer runs perfectly once you lower the speed

a work around yes.

a working solution to a driver issue definatly;

that is incidently out of there control.

as jungo windriver comes supplied as a library of percompiled usb interface functions,
and a redistributable dll,sys top as a company cannot adjust.

i write c++ for usb and i can assure you there is a problem with other than there software and programmers.

it is infact much like vista a jungo's windriver issue

hacking there usb protocal is a good idea and reading other topics
ill offer to lend a hand and write into one of the freeware front ends

i have lots of experience with hid devices like programmers
and its easy as a simple dll based hid class and interface to the front end or use visual basic and rewrite it

however i hope they read this forum and see this issue
im sure they will want to fix there driver
to set the speed of the usb right

but your way wrong the programmers have no actual faults
in there design

im around 40 years old and some of the ic's ive programmed now with it
are older then me!!!!

i speek enough mandrin to communicate ok what im finding

and ill phone them later this evening when china wakes up
and talk nicely to there software engineer
lets hope they have some english also

im sure ill get a better solution for us all this way
as contact via email seems hard

im also going to scan and see what email boxes it has
using a network tool i have

machine toshiba equium laptop usb only type
p5b asus main machine
thinking of adding dual lpt pci card
both used for top and lpt via usb where i can

old p2 programming grumbling tank with xp sp3 for true serial and lpt

all machines bios set to enable bios plug and play aware o/s and lpt spollers services and drivers removed
legacy detection enabled

Edited by - simeon on 06/15/2009 00:16:12
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Reply #8


United Kingdom
79 Posts

Posted - 06/15/2009 :  01:28:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

i made a small film showing the top2049 now programming a am27C010-150
with a 256k file
no issues reported

i trust this is enough detail to show you that its working

machine toshiba equium laptop usb only type
p5b asus main machine
thinking of adding dual lpt pci card
both used for top and lpt via usb where i can

old p2 programming grumbling tank with xp sp3 for true serial and lpt

all machines bios set to enable bios plug and play aware o/s and lpt spollers services and drivers removed
legacy detection enabled
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Reply #9


2941 Posts

Posted - 06/15/2009 :  07:20:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Please give us a update if you got any thing new from them.
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Reply #10


United Kingdom
79 Posts

Posted - 06/15/2009 :  08:46:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i will
the work around is a cool idea for sure
and please post your results...!!!!
to help with debug of what is a very complex field

i write complex c++ models for proteus vsm
so i know how these guys feel

this is my models page

atleast i can flash the eproms for once after the cost

please dont shoot the messanger

better a workaround problems than no exit...

there is always a way out with c

there is always nothing..... and knobody helps

the way i found it here ... a major site i feel

and why i joined...

machine toshiba equium laptop usb only type
p5b asus main machine
thinking of adding dual lpt pci card
both used for top and lpt via usb where i can

old p2 programming grumbling tank with xp sp3 for true serial and lpt

all machines bios set to enable bios plug and play aware o/s and lpt spollers services and drivers removed
legacy detection enabled

Edited by - simeon on 06/15/2009 08:51:11
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Reply #11


United Kingdom
79 Posts

Posted - 06/15/2009 :  08:58:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i will post nmos chip completed writes if its helpfull

my advice and i asked my pal for one of his three units

is to use a windows me or 98 osr2 laptop to use flash

that has generic usb1

as top claim to not support usbs speeds {480mbps}
till 3.xx series

yes im defending them

1} becouse now for me and others im sure it works
2} becouse i like the style of this unit
3} it does exact what it says it can!!!

can if you use it right

i would rather dedicate 1 usb controller to usb1 speed
after all most mainboards have two controllers
and just force one by using a 1.1hub to run at 12mbps

and the other for usb2

afterall its prob better as many devices work better at usb1 speeds
i have

and usb 2 is too new to expect programmers of complex programmers to take onboard
after all its 3 years old now

i would say get a life
better to get an old usb1 laptop for flashing stuff

people with these are all laughting at you !!!!
and most will say nothing

i didnt have to post here!!!

machine toshiba equium laptop usb only type
p5b asus main machine
thinking of adding dual lpt pci card
both used for top and lpt via usb where i can

old p2 programming grumbling tank with xp sp3 for true serial and lpt

all machines bios set to enable bios plug and play aware o/s and lpt spollers services and drivers removed
legacy detection enabled

Edited by - simeon on 06/15/2009 09:07:06
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