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 GQ-4X how to write MXIC MX25U6435F

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83Air Posted - 12/09/2015 : 13:04:08
Hi there
I have GQ-4X programmer and try to use MXIC MX25U6435F.
I did buy the appropriate adapters( ADP-099 and ADP-081a).
I don`t know which device to select(mx25u6435f is not on the list).

Any help is appreciated

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 12/25/2019 : 05:31:19
Originally posted by pashha

Originally posted by ZLM

I finally did a test on this chip with ADP-099.

However, there is a compatibility issue.

The only way to solve the problem is to modify the ADP-099.

Here is what I did:

1. changed R4,R5,R6,R7 to 100 ohm resistors.
2. added a 10uF capacitor on IC U1 pin 1 and 4. Pin 4 is ground, pin 1 is positive.

After modification, I successfully ID, read, erase, write, verify the MX25U6435F.

Image Insert:

174563 bytes

it works! Thank you dear (By the way.. 100 ohm resistor is labeled with 101)

Thank you for your testimonial.
pashha Posted - 12/25/2019 : 01:02:06
Originally posted by ZLM

I finally did a test on this chip with ADP-099.

However, there is a compatibility issue.

The only way to solve the problem is to modify the ADP-099.

Here is what I did:

1. changed R4,R5,R6,R7 to 100 ohm resistors.
2. added a 10uF capacitor on IC U1 pin 1 and 4. Pin 4 is ground, pin 1 is positive.

After modification, I successfully ID, read, erase, write, verify the MX25U6435F.

Image Insert:

174563 bytes

it works! Thank you dear (By the way.. 100 ohm resistor is labeled with 101)
83Air Posted - 08/29/2016 : 02:37:31
I am sorry it took so long to reply.
The thing is it still doesn`t work, but that may be because i damaged the eeprom, when i was testing it without the adp-099 adapter, and i don`t have another mx25u6435f eeprom to test.
ZLM Posted - 04/09/2016 : 17:19:33
I finally did a test on this chip with ADP-099.

However, there is a compatibility issue.

The only way to solve the problem is to modify the ADP-099.

Here is what I did:

1. changed R4,R5,R6,R7 to 100 ohm resistors.
2. added a 10uF capacitor on IC U1 pin 1 and 4. Pin 4 is ground, pin 1 is positive.

After modification, I successfully ID, read, erase, write, verify the MX25U6435F.

Image Insert:

174563 bytes
83Air Posted - 01/26/2016 : 15:40:56
thank you
ZLM Posted - 01/26/2016 : 10:43:11
OK. This one I think the software need a tweak. I will request a testing chip and hen test it then. I will post the result here.
83Air Posted - 01/25/2016 : 14:30:00
ID checks ok without ADP-099 on mx25u6435f
83Air Posted - 01/16/2016 : 04:20:12
It took me a while to get another mx25u6435f to test, still does not recognize the device.
Any ideas ?
83Air Posted - 12/16/2015 : 01:22:44
I tried to test with both adapters(ADP-099 set to 2.5V) on a MX25l8005m and i worked, ID check ok(correctly recognized eprom as mx25l8005m).
ZLM Posted - 12/15/2015 : 12:34:36
There are many factors cause the ID fail.

Try to use another supported chip to confirm the adapter ADP-081 and ADP-099 work. Then we can focus on the software.
83Air Posted - 12/15/2015 : 11:22:29
no, ID does not work.
ZLM Posted - 12/14/2015 : 20:44:12
does ID work?
83Air Posted - 12/11/2015 : 16:38:52
erase appears to work
blank check fails
read appears to work
write stuck at 0%
ZLM Posted - 12/09/2015 : 19:03:33
Try :

Name="MX25U6435F",ID="C22537",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="5V",CodeSize="8388608",Adapter="ADP-081+ADP-099 adapter",Message="Make sure the ADP-099 is used. The programmer will supply 5V voltage. Without ADP-099, the chip maybe damaged.";

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