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 Issue with ADP-054 not writing

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bender3455 Posted - 05/18/2016 : 16:32:16
Hello! I am having an issue with my programmer not wanting to write to either an M27C800 or a M27C160. When I try to write to either of these chips, I get an immediate

"Write failed, Address=0x000000, Buffer=0x8D Device=0xFF"

I pulled off the adapter, and attempted to write to an M27C256 and it wrote just fine. This tells me that the adapter may be faulty, but it seems so basic, I don't see what could be the problem. When I metered the ZIF socket to the board, pins 22 and 24 (the bottom left corner pin, and the 2nd pin up from that) are shorted together, is this normal?

Is there anything else I can check on the adapter? I haven't tried to read a chip yet, since all of my verified data chips are soldered onto boards, but I can definitely take one off and test the read capability, but either way, that doesn't tell me much about the lack of being able to write.

Also, I've used this programmer and adapter for awhile now, so I know it all worked just fine at one point! Thanks for your time!
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ZLM Posted - 06/10/2016 : 15:12:20
You are wrong.

The ADP-054 has existed for more than 10 years. The wiring design has bee approved to work.
pp_sati Posted - 06/06/2016 : 04:00:34
Originally posted by ZLM

For the 16 bit chips, the A0 is for low hi bytes selecting. The true address start from A1.

Regardless of using the pin A0 or not, all other input addresses are in the wrong position ..
I'm right or am I wrong?
ZLM Posted - 06/05/2016 : 11:58:25
For the 16 bit chips, the A0 is for low hi bytes selecting. The true address start from A1.
anniel Posted - 06/04/2016 : 17:06:11
The numbering is correct but starts at A0 on the EPROM and A1 on the adapter.
pp_sati Posted - 06/04/2016 : 13:02:48
Originally posted by anniel

That is why there is jumpers...

There is jumpers but only for two pins nothing more...
Look at the pinout of ADP-054, you think that are just the two pins wrong.

anniel Posted - 06/04/2016 : 12:21:50
That is why there is jumpers...
pp_sati Posted - 06/04/2016 : 11:17:34
I was reading these posts and do not understand the adapter.
The Pinout of adapter is not the same as the EPROM.

pinout Adapter dip/42

A8 .3---40.A10
A7 .4---39.A11

pinout EPROM

A7 .3---40.A9
A6 .4---39.A10

The write address is wrong.
But the read address is correct.
Can you explain that, because it says that the adapter gives to program m27c160 but the pinout is not right.

ZLM Posted - 05/22/2016 : 07:03:43
You may want to see the schematic for the ADP-054.
bender3455 Posted - 05/19/2016 : 15:51:16
I tried a few different chips and got the same result. Since the pins 22 and 24 are not supposed to be shorted, I consider that as a verification that my adapter board is bad, so I ordered a new one. Once I get the new one in, I'll compare readings to see if I can narrow down the problem with the bad one, and I'll be able to get back to burning in the process. Thank you very much for your prompt and informative reply! If I figure out what the bad board was doing, I'll be sure to post it here.
ZLM Posted - 05/18/2016 : 23:56:27
Those two pins should not short together.

However, that should not be the main problem to stop writing the first byte. It must be something else.

Make sure your chip is a good chip.

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