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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)

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martininkent Posted - 01/22/2017 : 09:58:58
hello this is the problem iam now getting was fine , but now it will not read or right,,, iam thinking its the programmer, I have bought new 004 and 088 adapters again,

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anniel Posted - 04/26/2018 : 14:57:59
Originally posted by vibroverbus

I've been told to use either a different programmer, like an R270, or one of those "M35080 dedicated" programmers to erase them again, which seems like a terrible waste of $$$ since you'd think a generic programmer should be able to do it given the right instructions.

vibroverbus Posted - 04/26/2018 : 04:22:09
Be sure you are using the right pin-out / adapter.

Even so I find I also cannot write some brand new V6 chips I have.

I suspect either the programmer is not using enough voltage, or, there is a chip issue (i.e. counterfeits / out of spec / mis-formatted from factory). I've been told to use either a different programmer, like an R270, or one of those "M35080 dedicated" programmers to erase them again, which seems like a terrible waste of $$$ since you'd think a generic programmer should be able to do it given the right instructions. Maybe the MCUMall programmer isn't providing high enough voltage...?
martininkent Posted - 01/22/2017 : 11:29:50
by the way this is a new chip , iam trying to write too

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