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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 I can't install programmer.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Leonartisan Posted - 06/10/2017 : 14:37:20
I've gotten my programmer to work previously on the same computer, but I had to reinstall the drivers for some reason. I accidentally uninstalled the "unknown device" under "other devices" in device manager, and now it won't show up if I plug in the programmer to my pc. However "unknown USB device" still does. I've tried restarting my computer, and reloading the devices in device manager. I've enabled the device manager to show hidden devices. I don't know what to do. Thank's if you can help me.
26   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
supervizeur Posted - 08/03/2017 : 05:57:07
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.

Which EPROM are you talking about?

I'm not even sure it is an eprom. It's a 40 pin chip called a 16550 Fast Serial. I riped it off an old pci car that was about to be recycled.

So, you stick an old UART in the ZIF and you wonder why it doesn't work? Did you manage to install the right drivers?

I'm a noob to this lol. Yes the programmer is working properly now and I installed the right drivers.


Yes, bravo!

anniel Posted - 06/27/2017 : 11:10:05
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.

Which EPROM are you talking about?

I'm not even sure it is an eprom. It's a 40 pin chip called a 16550 Fast Serial. I riped it off an old pci car that was about to be recycled.

So, you stick an old UART in the ZIF and you wonder why it doesn't work? Did you manage to install the right drivers?

I'm a noob to this lol. Yes the programmer is working properly now and I installed the right drivers.


Yes, bravo!
supervizeur Posted - 06/20/2017 : 04:07:12
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.

Which EPROM are you talking about?

I'm not even sure it is an eprom. It's a 40 pin chip called a 16550 Fast Serial. I riped it off an old pci car that was about to be recycled.

So, you stick an old UART in the ZIF and you wonder why it doesn't work? Did you manage to install the right drivers?

I'm a noob to this lol. Yes the programmer is working properly now and I installed the right drivers.


supervizeur Posted - 06/20/2017 : 04:06:38
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.

Which EPROM are you talking about?

I'm not even sure it is an eprom. It's a 40 pin chip called a 16550 Fast Serial. I riped it off an old pci car that was about to be recycled.

Its a serial interface chip.

supervizeur Posted - 06/20/2017 : 04:05:12
Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.

Which EPROM are you talking about?

I'm not even sure it is an eprom. It's a 40 pin chip called a 16550 Fast Serial. I riped it off an old pci car that was about to be recycled.

So, you stick an old UART in the ZIF and you wonder why it doesn't work? Did you manage to install the right drivers?

I'm a noob to this lol. Yes the programmer is working properly now and I installed the right drivers.

anniel Posted - 06/15/2017 : 19:07:30
Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.

Which EPROM are you talking about?

I'm not even sure it is an eprom. It's a 40 pin chip called a 16550 Fast Serial. I riped it off an old pci car that was about to be recycled.

So, you stick an old UART in the ZIF and you wonder why it doesn't work? Did you manage to install the right drivers?

I'm a noob to this lol. Yes the programmer is working properly now and I installed the right drivers.

anniel Posted - 06/15/2017 : 19:05:34
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.

Which EPROM are you talking about?

I'm not even sure it is an eprom. It's a 40 pin chip called a 16550 Fast Serial. I riped it off an old pci car that was about to be recycled.

So, you stick an old UART in the ZIF and you wonder why it doesn't work? Did you manage to install the right drivers?

anniel Posted - 06/15/2017 : 19:04:58
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.

Which EPROM are you talking about?

I'm not even sure it is an eprom. It's a 40 pin chip called a 16550 Fast Serial. I riped it off an old pci car that was about to be recycled.

So, you stick an old UART in the ZIF and you wonder why it doesn't work? Did you manage to install the right drivers?

anniel Posted - 06/15/2017 : 19:04:14
Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.

Which EPROM are you talking about?

I'm not even sure it is an eprom. It's a 40 pin chip called a 16550 Fast Serial. I riped it off an old pci car that was about to be recycled.

Its a serial interface chip.
anniel Posted - 06/15/2017 : 19:02:42
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Windows 10 and GQ-4x4

Edit: I also tried it on a windows 8 pc but it still isn't showing up as an unknown device like it is supposed to.

It's not supposed to show up as an unknown device.

True, shows up as Cypres FX2LP.

anniel Posted - 06/15/2017 : 19:01:29
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Windows 10 and GQ-4x4

Edit: I also tried it on a windows 8 pc but it still isn't showing up as an unknown device like it is supposed to.

No, it is not supposed to show up as an unknown device if you install the right drivers.

anniel Posted - 06/15/2017 : 19:00:52
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by Leonartisan

I've gotten my programmer to work previously on the same computer, but I had to reinstall the drivers for some reason. I accidentally uninstalled the "unknown device" under "other devices" in device manager, and now it won't show up if I plug in the programmer to my pc. However "unknown USB device" still does. I've tried restarting my computer, and reloading the devices in device manager. I've enabled the device manager to show hidden devices. I don't know what to do. Thank's if you can help me.

Simply reinstall the drivers.

Leonartisan Posted - 06/12/2017 : 18:12:04
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.

Which EPROM are you talking about?

I'm not even sure it is an eprom. It's a 40 pin chip called a 16550 Fast Serial. I riped it off an old pci car that was about to be recycled.

So, you stick an old UART in the ZIF and you wonder why it doesn't work? Did you manage to install the right drivers?

I'm a noob to this lol. Yes the programmer is working properly now and I installed the right drivers.
supervizeur Posted - 06/12/2017 : 16:48:25
Originally posted by Leonartisan

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.

Which EPROM are you talking about?

I'm not even sure it is an eprom. It's a 40 pin chip called a 16550 Fast Serial. I riped it off an old pci car that was about to be recycled.

So, you stick an old UART in the ZIF and you wonder why it doesn't work? Did you manage to install the right drivers?
Leonartisan Posted - 06/12/2017 : 13:47:53
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.

Which EPROM are you talking about?

I'm not even sure it is an eprom. It's a 40 pin chip called a 16550 Fast Serial. I riped it off an old pci car that was about to be recycled.
supervizeur Posted - 06/12/2017 : 08:30:06
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.

Which EPROM are you talking about?

Also wonder.
supervizeur Posted - 06/12/2017 : 08:29:34
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Leonartisan

Windows 10 and GQ-4x4

Edit: I also tried it on a windows 8 pc but it still isn't showing up as an unknown device like it is supposed to.

It's not supposed to show up as an unknown device.

True, shows up as Cypres FX2LP.
supervizeur Posted - 06/12/2017 : 08:28:21
Originally posted by Leonartisan

Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.

supervizeur Posted - 06/12/2017 : 08:27:43
Originally posted by Leonartisan

Windows 10 and GQ-4x4

Edit: I also tried it on a windows 8 pc but it still isn't showing up as an unknown device like it is supposed to.

No, it is not supposed to show up as an unknown device if you install the right drivers.
supervizeur Posted - 06/12/2017 : 08:25:42
Originally posted by anniel

Which OS? Which programmer?

Wise question.
supervizeur Posted - 06/12/2017 : 08:25:10
Originally posted by Leonartisan

I've gotten my programmer to work previously on the same computer, but I had to reinstall the drivers for some reason. I accidentally uninstalled the "unknown device" under "other devices" in device manager, and now it won't show up if I plug in the programmer to my pc. However "unknown USB device" still does. I've tried restarting my computer, and reloading the devices in device manager. I've enabled the device manager to show hidden devices. I don't know what to do. Thank's if you can help me.

Simply reinstall the drivers.
anniel Posted - 06/12/2017 : 03:06:11
Originally posted by Leonartisan

Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.

Which EPROM are you talking about?
anniel Posted - 06/12/2017 : 03:04:24
Originally posted by Leonartisan

Windows 10 and GQ-4x4

Edit: I also tried it on a windows 8 pc but it still isn't showing up as an unknown device like it is supposed to.

It's not supposed to show up as an unknown device.
Leonartisan Posted - 06/11/2017 : 18:01:20
Hey, I solved the problem! For some reason windows wouldn't recognize the programmer without removing an eprom chip. I am pissed.
Leonartisan Posted - 06/11/2017 : 10:58:23
Windows 10 and GQ-4x4

Edit: I also tried it on a windows 8 pc but it still isn't showing up as an unknown device like it is supposed to.
anniel Posted - 06/11/2017 : 03:51:38
Which OS? Which programmer?

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