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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 GQ-4X4 M27c160 and 27c1024 fail with soft 7.11

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
revostyle Posted - 05/19/2017 : 20:09:11
New topic for the same problem as always; i posted on other members thread but no response there so i did this new topic just in case someone takes a look here

Since i have the GQ-4X4 (1 year and so) When I go to write M27c160 I get a Failed error almost instantly.

Little change with last software upgrade 7.11

Resuming (what i did / test)

Programmer GQ-4X4
Driver 3.0
Software 7.11, (supposed fix with ADP-054, 27C1024,27C160 unstable issue.?????)

I burned successfully just one 27c1024 with a bin file, but when tried with the same chip and other file have no success. (checked the files and they where all righ CRC, etc.)

Worst problem is 27c160 / M27c160 (no success at all)

Using this config i have no success when verify, only positive thing is that now (with software 7.11) sometimes i get 100% writing but no success at verify. (sometimes i don't reach 100%)
Before upgrading software to 7.11 There always was Write Failed at the same address every time (after 1 second writing or inmediatly)

I tried editing de device list settings using vcc to 6.5v (recommended by some users in other programmers) on 27c160 / m27c160 (it crashes the writing at 0% / 1 second...) and also the m27c160 eprom chip i used for that test appears to be damaged now (after repetitive UV erase no blank check success)

Last try a few minutes ago...

ID check skipped
Writing... Buffer
Elapsed time: 2.80 seconds.
Write failed, Address=0x0014FC, Buffer=0x12 Device=0x02

- Tried 2 different adp-054 adaptors
- 6 different USB Cables
- 3 Different Computers (usb 2.0 / 3.0 // Win 7 / 8 / 10)
- Voltage Diagnostic ALL OK
- J5 in V3 / V4 position and without the jumper too
- Obviously J1 in 1-2 position.
- 9V 1A power supply with correct polarity /also without it, just USB.
- UV Erase for 30 to 45 minutes
- slow write -2 , -1, normal, etc
- Blank Check OK ( with standard settings VCC 5.5)
- Reading OK when blank

Using M27c160 Chips (ST M27c160)

ZLM please any suggestion? it looks like the problem with M27c160 family and 27c1024 is not solved with this software upgrade.

I have no idea what else should i try.

Any help will be appreciated

Thanks in advance.
56   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 02/22/2023 : 14:21:44
This problem has been fixed 3 years ago on ADP-054 V4.1.

All current ADP-054 in stock are V4.1. Old version is discontinued.
anniel Posted - 12/28/2017 : 06:33:33
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by josiah

Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by josiah

Hello. I'm having the same problems with writing M27c160 chips. I found this thread and added WVCC="6.5V" to devices.txt and was able to write a single chip (the verify step failed immediately, but I'm confident the chip is working). Now I'm back to the same failures.

Here is the line from my devices.txt:
Name="M27C160",ID="XXXX",Class="27C800",Category="EPROM",MFG="ST",CodeSize="2097152",Adapter="ADP-054, ADP-055 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER",RVpp="5V",WVCC="6.5V",WVPP="12.7V";

I can successfully write M27c322, M27c801, and other chips. I erare each chip thoroughly and blank check before writing.

I'm on Windows 10 64 bit, USB 2.0 (can't get 3.0 working), USBPrg 7.11.

Any other tips you can offer? Thank you!

Defective chip?

There's always a chance, but given that I've almost never had a bad chip from this supplier and the whole internet has problems with 27c160's on the GQ4x4, I find it unlikely.

Edit: Forgot, the chips read fine, including up to the part that fails.

Chinese sometimes relabel smaller capacity chips. What address does it stop reading data?
anniel Posted - 12/03/2017 : 07:15:10
Originally posted by mmfl694

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by mmfl694

If you are using a gq 4x4 with the 54 adapter there is a movable jumper on it. If you are programming for a m27c160 you need the jumper on the 1-2 pins. If you are programming for a m27322 you need to move it to the 2-3 pins

That is self evident.

As obvious as it may be, its what solved my problem and am just trying to help josiah rectify his

Sure, if one doesn't read instructions before starting to use the adapter success rate must be low.
mmfl694 Posted - 11/30/2017 : 10:02:57
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by mmfl694

If you are using a gq 4x4 with the 54 adapter there is a movable jumper on it. If you are programming for a m27c160 you need the jumper on the 1-2 pins. If you are programming for a m27322 you need to move it to the 2-3 pins

That is self evident.

As obvious as it may be, its what solved my problem and am just trying to help josiah rectify his
anniel Posted - 11/30/2017 : 03:31:23
Originally posted by mmfl694

If you are using a gq 4x4 with the 54 adapter there is a movable jumper on it. If you are programming for a m27c160 you need the jumper on the 1-2 pins. If you are programming for a m27322 you need to move it to the 2-3 pins

That is self evident.
mmfl694 Posted - 11/29/2017 : 22:27:16
If you are using a gq 4x4 with the 54 adapter there is a movable jumper on it. If you are programming for a m27c160 you need the jumper on the 1-2 pins. If you are programming for a m27322 you need to move it to the 2-3 pins
anniel Posted - 09/15/2017 : 05:14:21
Originally posted by josiah

Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by josiah

Hello. I'm having the same problems with writing M27c160 chips. I found this thread and added WVCC="6.5V" to devices.txt and was able to write a single chip (the verify step failed immediately, but I'm confident the chip is working). Now I'm back to the same failures.

Here is the line from my devices.txt:
Name="M27C160",ID="XXXX",Class="27C800",Category="EPROM",MFG="ST",CodeSize="2097152",Adapter="ADP-054, ADP-055 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER",RVpp="5V",WVCC="6.5V",WVPP="12.7V";

I can successfully write M27c322, M27c801, and other chips. I erare each chip thoroughly and blank check before writing.

I'm on Windows 10 64 bit, USB 2.0 (can't get 3.0 working), USBPrg 7.11.

Any other tips you can offer? Thank you!

Defective chip?

There's always a chance, but given that I've almost never had a bad chip from this supplier and the whole internet has problems with 27c160's on the GQ4x4, I find it unlikely.

Edit: Forgot, the chips read fine, including up to the part that fails.

Chinese sometimes relabel smaller capacity chips. What address does it stop reading data?
anniel Posted - 09/15/2017 : 05:10:47
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by josiah

Hello. I'm having the same problems with writing M27c160 chips. I found this thread and added WVCC="6.5V" to devices.txt and was able to write a single chip (the verify step failed immediately, but I'm confident the chip is working). Now I'm back to the same failures.

Here is the line from my devices.txt:
Name="M27C160",ID="XXXX",Class="27C800",Category="EPROM",MFG="ST",CodeSize="2097152",Adapter="ADP-054, ADP-055 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER",RVpp="5V",WVCC="6.5V",WVPP="12.7V";

I can successfully write M27c322, M27c801, and other chips. I erare each chip thoroughly and blank check before writing.

I'm on Windows 10 64 bit, USB 2.0 (can't get 3.0 working), USBPrg 7.11.

Any other tips you can offer? Thank you!

Defective chip?

Or Chinese fake.
anniel Posted - 09/15/2017 : 05:09:24
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by scrappysphinx

I had no trouble programming M27C4096 chips with this GQ-4X4 and ADP-054 so i took a look at the devices.txt for those and they a ,WVCC="6.5V" so i tried that instead of the 6.2 suggested and i successfully wrote a 27C1024.

Thanks for the help


anniel Posted - 09/15/2017 : 05:07:31
Originally posted by josiah

Hello. I'm having the same problems with writing M27c160 chips. I found this thread and added WVCC="6.5V" to devices.txt and was able to write a single chip (the verify step failed immediately, but I'm confident the chip is working). Now I'm back to the same failures.

Here is the line from my devices.txt:
Name="M27C160",ID="XXXX",Class="27C800",Category="EPROM",MFG="ST",CodeSize="2097152",Adapter="ADP-054, ADP-055 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER",RVpp="5V",WVCC="6.5V",WVPP="12.7V";

I can successfully write M27c322, M27c801, and other chips. I erare each chip thoroughly and blank check before writing.

I'm on Windows 10 64 bit, USB 2.0 (can't get 3.0 working), USBPrg 7.11.

Any other tips you can offer? Thank you!
josiah Posted - 08/03/2017 : 16:51:02
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by josiah

Hello. I'm having the same problems with writing M27c160 chips. I found this thread and added WVCC="6.5V" to devices.txt and was able to write a single chip (the verify step failed immediately, but I'm confident the chip is working). Now I'm back to the same failures.

Here is the line from my devices.txt:
Name="M27C160",ID="XXXX",Class="27C800",Category="EPROM",MFG="ST",CodeSize="2097152",Adapter="ADP-054, ADP-055 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER",RVpp="5V",WVCC="6.5V",WVPP="12.7V";

I can successfully write M27c322, M27c801, and other chips. I erare each chip thoroughly and blank check before writing.

I'm on Windows 10 64 bit, USB 2.0 (can't get 3.0 working), USBPrg 7.11.

Any other tips you can offer? Thank you!

Defective chip?

There's always a chance, but given that I've almost never had a bad chip from this supplier and the whole internet has problems with 27c160's on the GQ4x4, I find it unlikely.

Edit: Forgot, the chips read fine, including up to the part that fails.
supervizeur Posted - 08/03/2017 : 06:22:08
Originally posted by josiah

Hello. I'm having the same problems with writing M27c160 chips. I found this thread and added WVCC="6.5V" to devices.txt and was able to write a single chip (the verify step failed immediately, but I'm confident the chip is working). Now I'm back to the same failures.

Here is the line from my devices.txt:
Name="M27C160",ID="XXXX",Class="27C800",Category="EPROM",MFG="ST",CodeSize="2097152",Adapter="ADP-054, ADP-055 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER",RVpp="5V",WVCC="6.5V",WVPP="12.7V";

I can successfully write M27c322, M27c801, and other chips. I erare each chip thoroughly and blank check before writing.

I'm on Windows 10 64 bit, USB 2.0 (can't get 3.0 working), USBPrg 7.11.

Any other tips you can offer? Thank you!

Defective chip?
supervizeur Posted - 08/03/2017 : 06:21:10
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by scrappysphinx

I had no trouble programming M27C4096 chips with this GQ-4X4 and ADP-054 so i took a look at the devices.txt for those and they a ,WVCC="6.5V" so i tried that instead of the 6.2 suggested and i successfully wrote a 27C1024.

Thanks for the help

Yes, that was the next step to try.
Good work!

supervizeur Posted - 08/03/2017 : 06:20:38
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

I had no trouble programming M27C4096 chips with this GQ-4X4 and ADP-054 so i took a look at the devices.txt for those and they a ,WVCC="6.5V" so i tried that instead of the 6.2 suggested and i successfully wrote a 27C1024.

Thanks for the help

josiah Posted - 07/30/2017 : 11:10:44
Hello. I'm having the same problems with writing M27c160 chips. I found this thread and added WVCC="6.5V" to devices.txt and was able to write a single chip (the verify step failed immediately, but I'm confident the chip is working). Now I'm back to the same failures.

Here is the line from my devices.txt:
Name="M27C160",ID="XXXX",Class="27C800",Category="EPROM",MFG="ST",CodeSize="2097152",Adapter="ADP-054, ADP-055 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER",RVpp="5V",WVCC="6.5V",WVPP="12.7V";

I can successfully write M27c322, M27c801, and other chips. I erare each chip thoroughly and blank check before writing.

I'm on Windows 10 64 bit, USB 2.0 (can't get 3.0 working), USBPrg 7.11.

Any other tips you can offer? Thank you!
anniel Posted - 07/29/2017 : 09:37:32
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

I had no trouble programming M27C4096 chips with this GQ-4X4 and ADP-054 so i took a look at the devices.txt for those and they a ,WVCC="6.5V" so i tried that instead of the 6.2 suggested and i successfully wrote a 27C1024.

Thanks for the help

Yes, that was the next step to try.
Good work!
scrappysphinx Posted - 07/29/2017 : 07:48:39
I had no trouble programming M27C4096 chips with this GQ-4X4 and ADP-054 so i took a look at the devices.txt for those and they a ,WVCC="6.5V" so i tried that instead of the 6.2 suggested and i successfully wrote a 27C1024.

Thanks for the help
scrappysphinx Posted - 07/29/2017 : 07:32:43
Originally posted by anniel

Simply add


to the concerned device line.

Thanks for the tip, unfortunately it didnt help. I have added the line in the devices.txt file to the M27C1024 as instructed but write still fails.

Writing... Buffer
Elapsed time: 0.04 seconds.
Write failed, Address=0x00000E, Buffer=0x7E Device=0xFF
Write failed

These chips all erase and program fine in my other TOP3000 programmer
anniel Posted - 07/15/2017 : 06:43:33
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by scrappysphinx

Sorry, without trying to sound obnoxious or unappreciative i purchased a programmer and the required adapter to program the chips i require. I don't think its my responsibility to start checking the software's devices for errors?

I understand this is a community run support forum and therefore nobody is required to help however i have received tips and info before and they were appreciated. Now as i don't know what i'm looking for or what to change in this devices.txt (i just use my programmer to burn bios chips for old game consoles) any tips on how to fix the issue?


You should always compare your devices datasheet with the settings of any programmer (not only from MCU Mall) to prevent damages to both.

+1 Yes, wise advise.
anniel Posted - 07/15/2017 : 06:41:45
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by scrappysphinx

Same issue here, GQ-4X4, ADP-054. Tried programming around 20 27c1024 chips and all fail immediately. Same chips program fine with my TOP3000 programmer. The GQ-4X4 and adapter have no problem burning 27c4096 but 1024 immediately fail.

Error is

Write Failed, Address=0x000000, Buffer=0x2E, Device=0x2F

Did it occur to someone to have a look at the datasheet?

Guess not, otherwise one would have seen that a simple correction to the devices.txt file will fix this issue.

Good catch!

anniel Posted - 07/15/2017 : 06:40:56
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?




Technical support:

And you got no answer?

No, no answer at all, so then i came to the forum and for my surprise there is a lot of troubles with this programmer... Also so many cases with this same issue (burning 27c family, etc..)

Very dissapointing

A lot of trouble? So many cases?


Yeah, that's a lot!
anniel Posted - 07/15/2017 : 06:39:56
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by scrappysphinx

Same issue here, GQ-4X4, ADP-054. Tried programming around 20 27c1024 chips and all fail immediately. Same chips program fine with my TOP3000 programmer. The GQ-4X4 and adapter have no problem burning 27c4096 but 1024 immediately fail.

Error is

Write Failed, Address=0x000000, Buffer=0x2E, Device=0x2F

Programming voltage?

anniel Posted - 07/15/2017 : 06:38:01
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?




Technical support:

And you got no answer?

No, no answer at all, so then i came to the forum and for my surprise there is a lot of troubles with this programmer... Also so many cases with this same issue (burning 27c family, etc..)

Very dissapointing

Alot compare to what? Other budget programmers don't even have a support forum even less a community.

If you need superior service and support go with the big players like Xeltek but keep in mind it's not in the same price range.

I mailed them from a gmail account... dont think they go to their spam...

Please guys stop sucking their socks...

This product is crap in many aspects, for many people works, it is enough, i know that many other programmers will have more support, etc for the price, but this **** must do what is supposed... im not asking it to make a barbecue, just program a listed chip... not magic...

Don't you have a serious email address for your work or at least one from your ISP?

If it's crap stop using it.

+1 on both points.
supervizeur Posted - 07/09/2017 : 08:18:12
Originally posted by anniel

Simply add


to the concerned device line.

supervizeur Posted - 07/09/2017 : 08:17:36
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

Sorry, without trying to sound obnoxious or unappreciative i purchased a programmer and the required adapter to program the chips i require. I don't think its my responsibility to start checking the software's devices for errors?

I understand this is a community run support forum and therefore nobody is required to help however i have received tips and info before and they were appreciated. Now as i don't know what i'm looking for or what to change in this devices.txt (i just use my programmer to burn bios chips for old game consoles) any tips on how to fix the issue?


You should always compare your devices datasheet with the settings of any programmer (not only from MCU Mall) to prevent damages to both.
supervizeur Posted - 07/09/2017 : 08:13:04
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by scrappysphinx

Same issue here, GQ-4X4, ADP-054. Tried programming around 20 27c1024 chips and all fail immediately. Same chips program fine with my TOP3000 programmer. The GQ-4X4 and adapter have no problem burning 27c4096 but 1024 immediately fail.

Error is

Write Failed, Address=0x000000, Buffer=0x2E, Device=0x2F

Did it occur to someone to have a look at the datasheet?

Guess not, otherwise one would have seen that a simple correction to the devices.txt file will fix this issue.

Good catch!
supervizeur Posted - 07/09/2017 : 08:12:13
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?




Technical support:

And you got no answer?

No, no answer at all, so then i came to the forum and for my surprise there is a lot of troubles with this programmer... Also so many cases with this same issue (burning 27c family, etc..)

Very dissapointing

Alot compare to what? Other budget programmers don't even have a support forum even less a community.

If you need superior service and support go with the big players like Xeltek but keep in mind it's not in the same price range.

I mailed them from a gmail account... dont think they go to their spam...

Please guys stop sucking their socks...

This product is crap in many aspects, for many people works, it is enough, i know that many other programmers will have more support, etc for the price, but this **** must do what is supposed... im not asking it to make a barbecue, just program a listed chip... not magic...

I get some spam from Gmail.

Do you work for the anti sock sucking police?

Crap? We surely don't have the same definition of crap.

supervizeur Posted - 07/09/2017 : 08:11:09
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?




Technical support:

And you got no answer?

No, no answer at all, so then i came to the forum and for my surprise there is a lot of troubles with this programmer... Also so many cases with this same issue (burning 27c family, etc..)

Very dissapointing

A lot of trouble? So many cases?

supervizeur Posted - 07/09/2017 : 08:10:28
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

Same issue here, GQ-4X4, ADP-054. Tried programming around 20 27c1024 chips and all fail immediately. Same chips program fine with my TOP3000 programmer. The GQ-4X4 and adapter have no problem burning 27c4096 but 1024 immediately fail.

Error is

Write Failed, Address=0x000000, Buffer=0x2E, Device=0x2F

Programming voltage?
supervizeur Posted - 07/09/2017 : 08:08:31
Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?




Technical support:

And you got no answer?

No, no answer at all, so then i came to the forum and for my surprise there is a lot of troubles with this programmer... Also so many cases with this same issue (burning 27c family, etc..)

Very dissapointing

Alot compare to what? Other budget programmers don't even have a support forum even less a community.

If you need superior service and support go with the big players like Xeltek but keep in mind it's not in the same price range.

I mailed them from a gmail account... dont think they go to their spam...

Please guys stop sucking their socks...

This product is crap in many aspects, for many people works, it is enough, i know that many other programmers will have more support, etc for the price, but this **** must do what is supposed... im not asking it to make a barbecue, just program a listed chip... not magic...

Don't you have a serious email address for your work or at least one from your ISP?

If it's crap stop using it.
anniel Posted - 07/03/2017 : 12:22:04
Simply add


to the concerned device line.
scrappysphinx Posted - 06/27/2017 : 15:53:19
Sorry, without trying to sound obnoxious or unappreciative i purchased a programmer and the required adapter to program the chips i require. I don't think its my responsibility to start checking the software's devices for errors?

I understand this is a community run support forum and therefore nobody is required to help however i have received tips and info before and they were appreciated. Now as i don't know what i'm looking for or what to change in this devices.txt (i just use my programmer to burn bios chips for old game consoles) any tips on how to fix the issue?

anniel Posted - 06/27/2017 : 11:37:54
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

Same issue here, GQ-4X4, ADP-054. Tried programming around 20 27c1024 chips and all fail immediately. Same chips program fine with my TOP3000 programmer. The GQ-4X4 and adapter have no problem burning 27c4096 but 1024 immediately fail.

Error is

Write Failed, Address=0x000000, Buffer=0x2E, Device=0x2F

Did it occur to someone to have a look at the datasheet?

Guess not, otherwise one would have seen that a simple correction to the devices.txt file will fix this issue.
anniel Posted - 06/27/2017 : 11:29:10
Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?




Technical support:

And you got no answer?

No, no answer at all, so then i came to the forum and for my surprise there is a lot of troubles with this programmer... Also so many cases with this same issue (burning 27c family, etc..)

Very dissapointing

Alot compare to what? Other budget programmers don't even have a support forum even less a community.

If you need superior service and support go with the big players like Xeltek but keep in mind it's not in the same price range.

I mailed them from a gmail account... dont think they go to their spam...

Please guys stop sucking their socks...

This product is crap in many aspects, for many people works, it is enough, i know that many other programmers will have more support, etc for the price, but this **** must do what is supposed... im not asking it to make a barbecue, just program a listed chip... not magic...

I get some spam from Gmail.

Do you work for the anti sock sucking police?

Crap? We surely don't have the same definition of crap.
anniel Posted - 06/27/2017 : 11:21:37
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?




Technical support:

And you got no answer?

No, no answer at all, so then i came to the forum and for my surprise there is a lot of troubles with this programmer... Also so many cases with this same issue (burning 27c family, etc..)

Very dissapointing

Alot compare to what? Other budget programmers don't even have a support forum even less a community.

If you need superior service and support go with the big players like Xeltek but keep in mind it's not in the same price range.

anniel Posted - 06/27/2017 : 11:19:16
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?




Technical support:

And you got no answer?

Maybe his address goes to the spam folder.

anniel Posted - 06/27/2017 : 11:14:26
Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?




Technical support:

And you got no answer?

No, no answer at all, so then i came to the forum and for my surprise there is a lot of troubles with this programmer... Also so many cases with this same issue (burning 27c family, etc..)

Very dissapointing

A lot of trouble? So many cases?
scrappysphinx Posted - 06/27/2017 : 03:49:04
Same issue here, GQ-4X4, ADP-054. Tried programming around 20 27c1024 chips and all fail immediately. Same chips program fine with my TOP3000 programmer. The GQ-4X4 and adapter have no problem burning 27c4096 but 1024 immediately fail.

Error is

Write Failed, Address=0x000000, Buffer=0x2E, Device=0x2F
revostyle Posted - 06/26/2017 : 11:56:28
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?




Technical support:

And you got no answer?

No, no answer at all, so then i came to the forum and for my surprise there is a lot of troubles with this programmer... Also so many cases with this same issue (burning 27c family, etc..)

Very dissapointing

Alot compare to what? Other budget programmers don't even have a support forum even less a community.

If you need superior service and support go with the big players like Xeltek but keep in mind it's not in the same price range.

I mailed them from a gmail account... dont think they go to their spam...

Please guys stop sucking their socks...

This product is crap in many aspects, for many people works, it is enough, i know that many other programmers will have more support, etc for the price, but this **** must do what is supposed... im not asking it to make a barbecue, just program a listed chip... not magic...

supervizeur Posted - 06/20/2017 : 04:40:10
Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?




Technical support:

And you got no answer?

No, no answer at all, so then i came to the forum and for my surprise there is a lot of troubles with this programmer... Also so many cases with this same issue (burning 27c family, etc..)

Very dissapointing

Alot compare to what? Other budget programmers don't even have a support forum even less a community.

If you need superior service and support go with the big players like Xeltek but keep in mind it's not in the same price range.
supervizeur Posted - 06/20/2017 : 04:27:01
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?




Technical support:

And you got no answer?

Maybe his address goes to the spam folder.
revostyle Posted - 06/17/2017 : 20:20:44
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?




Technical support:

And you got no answer?

No, no answer at all, so then i came to the forum and for my surprise there is a lot of troubles with this programmer... Also so many cases with this same issue (burning 27c family, etc..)

Very dissapointing
anniel Posted - 06/15/2017 : 18:55:07
Originally posted by revostyle

Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?




Technical support:

And you got no answer?
revostyle Posted - 06/15/2017 : 12:45:29
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?

We'll never know.

yes you will, check previous message.
revostyle Posted - 06/12/2017 : 19:59:00
Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?




Technical support:
supervizeur Posted - 06/12/2017 : 08:34:28
Originally posted by anniel

How did you contact MCU Mall?

We'll never know.
anniel Posted - 06/09/2017 : 06:35:05
How did you contact MCU Mall?
revostyle Posted - 06/06/2017 : 09:39:00
Originally posted by supervizeur

Did you find the problem?

No, and no official reply or solution to this problem from mcumall i have been reading the forum and many other forums and so many people have problems with this product, the mcumall service, etc... So is dissapointing... im from argentina, so i have no chance to send the programmer to mcumall for testing/replace. I fails from the very first day.

I will not recommend this brand to anyone at all
supervizeur Posted - 06/04/2017 : 09:36:48
Did you find the problem?
anniel Posted - 05/24/2017 : 08:45:03
J2 is for compatibility with older programmers that only have 32 pins ZIF sockets.

But make sure the extra address lines pins are there.

revostyle Posted - 05/24/2017 : 04:47:44
Originally posted by anniel

You even have nice J2 installation exemples on ADP-054 with photos.

Thanks, i don't think i need to use any jumper settings on J2 because i have this programmer GQ-4X4 + ADP-054 Adapter similar as shown on next pic

anniel Posted - 05/24/2017 : 03:06:00
You even have nice J2 installation exemples on ADP-054 with photos.
anniel Posted - 05/24/2017 : 03:00:07
J2 is for compatibility with bigger EPROM devices that require the extra address lines that are not present on the 32 pins ZIF.
revostyle Posted - 05/23/2017 : 18:30:07
Originally posted by xefned

If i understand correctly, you have a jumper on J1 and J3, but not one on J2?

It seems like there's supposed to be something on J2 also, but the documentation is so incomplete, there's no way of knowing.

Did you ever have a successful burn?

The programmer comes without a jumper set on J2, where you have 4 pins, i don't have access to the manual at this moment, but i never used any jumper settings for burning any eprom chip ever until now.

I found a line into adapter description that point this

Jumper setting on board:
J1 2-3 short 27c322, 1-2 short for all others
J2 is extended address pin header, it is only for 42 pin EPROMs. Connect those pins to programmer address pin header, not the ZIF socket.
J5, chip compatibility jumper. Only change it if the chip has inconsistent reading, writing.

What does it mean? about j2... 26c160 are 42pin so...

Where should be set that jumper? in A21/A20 or P1/A19... may be there is the answer to this problem?

Also on Adapter PCB at right side it mention this

"J2 Only used on 32 pin ZIF pogrammer for 42pin Eprom."

What does it mean? the only place a 42pin eprom fits is into the larger zif socket (right one)

i feel confused

Please any recomendation

anniel Posted - 05/20/2017 : 19:11:53
Originally posted by xefned

It seems like there's supposed to be something on J2 also, but the documentation is so incomplete, there's no way of knowing.

What do you mean? The adapter documentation is quite complete and explicit.
xefned Posted - 05/20/2017 : 18:15:34
If i understand correctly, you have a jumper on J1 and J3, but not one on J2?

It seems like there's supposed to be something on J2 also, but the documentation is so incomplete, there's no way of knowing.

Did you ever have a successful burn?

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