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 GQ-4x4 w/ADP-056 unable to program Xilinx CPLD?

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cscase Posted - 02/22/2018 : 20:14:51
Hi all,
I just recently got the GQ-4x4 and I'm trying to program a Xilinx XC9572 (not XL - this is the 5v version) using the ADP-056 adapter and JTAG connection, but it does not seem to be working.

When I have the ADP-056 plugged into the programmer (at the very bottom of the ZIF), BOTH LEDs on the adapter light up, and they stay lit. This is even if I have nothing plugged into the JTAG header.

After selecting my device in the software, anything I click (erase, write, read, verify, etc) results in the popup error: "Data file is not loaded into buffer."

I tried this with the jumper on the adapter in both positions (power from target, power from programmer).

I have the latest version of the software and it seems like I can program a ROM without difficulty.

Am I doing something wrong or do I have a bad adapter or something?

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 03/12/2018 : 16:29:09
Originally posted by cscase

Oh. I see that it is indeed right there in manual.

I have already found a work-around using another programmer, but I will give this a shot if only to see if it works.

Thanks, Anniel!

Keep wires short and it *should* work...
cscase Posted - 03/12/2018 : 14:32:59
Oh. I see that it is indeed right there in manual.

I have already found a work-around using another programmer, but I will give this a shot if only to see if it works.

Thanks, Anniel!
anniel Posted - 03/09/2018 : 12:20:31
Originally posted by cscase

You mean connect the JTAG pins directly to the GQ-4x4's ZIF?? I didn't realize that was an option. Where can I find out which pins go where? The pins I need to connect are:

And could I get the software to play an SVF or XSVF?

Or am I totally misunderstanding you?

Yes, ADP-056 only boosts the signals for longer wires...

For the ZIF JTAG pinout RTFM or look here...

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cscase Posted - 02/28/2018 : 14:44:53
You mean connect the JTAG pins directly to the GQ-4x4's ZIF?? I didn't realize that was an option. Where can I find out which pins go where? The pins I need to connect are:

And could I get the software to play an SVF or XSVF?

Or am I totally misunderstanding you?
anniel Posted - 02/25/2018 : 18:58:53
Originally posted by cscase

No, I didn't run the tests with adapter in the socket, though I may have plugged the USB cable in while the adapter in the socket, which might also be a bad thing.

I was just looking at the datasheet for that IC, but I don't have any of them onhand.

Does it work if you try without the adapter?
cscase Posted - 02/25/2018 : 18:52:44
No, I didn't run the tests with adapter in the socket, though I may have plugged the USB cable in while the adapter in the socket, which might also be a bad thing.

I was just looking at the datasheet for that IC, but I don't have any of them onhand.
anniel Posted - 02/25/2018 : 05:43:30
Originally posted by cscase

Ugh. I don't see any bad solder joints or bridges on the adapter, so I can only imagine that the IC is dead, since there is hardly anything to the circuit on here. There is an electrolytic cap, but I'm guessing that is only there for decoupling and shouldn't cause this symptom even if it were bad.

Well, that is not what I had hoped to hear, but it answers my question. Thanks very much for your help.


The IC is a common 74 series chip.
anniel Posted - 02/23/2018 : 10:59:12
Originally posted by cscase

Ugh. I don't see any bad solder joints or bridges on the adapter, so I can only imagine that the IC is dead, since there is hardly anything to the circuit on here. There is an electrolytic cap, but I'm guessing that is only there for decoupling and shouldn't cause this symptom even if it were bad.

Well, that is not what I had hoped to hear, but it answers my question. Thanks very much for your help.


Did you leave the adapter in the ZIF when performing the hardware tests?

cscase Posted - 02/23/2018 : 09:44:39
Ugh. I don't see any bad solder joints or bridges on the adapter, so I can only imagine that the IC is dead, since there is hardly anything to the circuit on here. There is an electrolytic cap, but I'm guessing that is only there for decoupling and shouldn't cause this symptom even if it were bad.

Well, that is not what I had hoped to hear, but it answers my question. Thanks very much for your help.

anniel Posted - 02/23/2018 : 07:32:31
Originally posted by cscase


Your GQ-4X4 passes the hardware tests?

Yes, all run fine.

Your adapter is bad then.
cscase Posted - 02/23/2018 : 07:19:03

Your GQ-4X4 passes the hardware tests?

Yes, all run fine.
anniel Posted - 02/23/2018 : 03:40:04
Originally posted by cscase

Hi all,
I just recently got the GQ-4x4 and I'm trying to program a Xilinx XC9572 (not XL - this is the 5v version) using the ADP-056 adapter and JTAG connection, but it does not seem to be working.

When I have the ADP-056 plugged into the programmer (at the very bottom of the ZIF), BOTH LEDs on the adapter light up, and they stay lit. This is even if I have nothing plugged into the JTAG header.

After selecting my device in the software, anything I click (erase, write, read, verify, etc) results in the popup error: "Data file is not loaded into buffer."

I tried this with the jumper on the adapter in both positions (power from target, power from programmer).

I have the latest version of the software and it seems like I can program a ROM without difficulty.

Am I doing something wrong or do I have a bad adapter or something?


Your GQ-4X4 passes the hardware tests?

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