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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 write error gq-4x

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75alessandro Posted - 09/24/2018 : 04:25:42
good morning, sorry my bad english, I have some problems with the programming of some chips (27c1000 / 27c160 / 27c322). I often get the error as in the attached photo. I state that:
- before writing the chips, I always delete them
- use of win 10 (also tested with win 7 but without any improvement)
- latest software version 7.21
- I also tried with a new programmer but with no results
do you have any idea ???

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16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
75alessandro Posted - 10/07/2018 : 23:43:29
but the problem is before the adapter; to write the 27c1000 I do not need the adapter. sometimes he writes to me, sometimes not. I tried to buy 27c1000 / 27c160 / 27c322 from another supplier; excluding the programmer (tested with a new gq-4x, but the problem remains), usb cable, may be: bad chips or some error due to the operating system / software (win 10 + usbprog 7.21 + driver 3.0) or some incorrect setting of the program when writing.
ZLM Posted - 10/07/2018 : 16:53:58
If possible buy the latest version adapter ADP-054 V4.1. That works more stable.
anniel Posted - 10/07/2018 : 14:32:48
Originally posted by 75alessandro

I do not think it is an adapter problem, with the 27c1000 without adapter gives me the same type of error that gives me with the 27c160 / 27c322 with adapter

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Soldering doesn't look so good.
ZLM Posted - 10/07/2018 : 07:17:41
Sorry. The M27C1000 does not need adapter.

Your adapter looks is not in a good condition.

Have you ever programmed 27C1000 on this programmer successfully?

The software has no problem since it has been tested on this chip.

The M27C1000 is compatible with 27C301.

Make sure your chips are good if you bought the chip from eBay.

75alessandro Posted - 10/07/2018 : 05:29:07
I do not think it is an adapter problem, with the 27c1000 without adapter gives me the same type of error that gives me with the 27c160 / 27c322 with adapter

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ZLM Posted - 10/06/2018 : 11:51:51
Can you take a picture of adapter? Backside too?
anniel Posted - 09/28/2018 : 17:30:38
Originally posted by 75alessandro

new chip!

Your 27C1000 is probably a bad or fake chip if you can't ID it.
75alessandro Posted - 09/28/2018 : 14:46:22
new chip!
anniel Posted - 09/28/2018 : 08:09:53
Originally posted by 75alessandro

tried, unfortunately, nothing changes. I have exhausted all my ideas

Is this with a "new" chip or a chip pulled out of a working system?
75alessandro Posted - 09/28/2018 : 04:41:15
tried, unfortunately, nothing changes. I have exhausted all my ideas
anniel Posted - 09/27/2018 : 14:12:15
Originally posted by 75alessandro

with 27c1000 not working ..... I have exhausted my ideas ....

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Select 27C1000 not M27C1000 and try again.
75alessandro Posted - 09/25/2018 : 07:53:58
with 27c1000 not working ..... I have exhausted my ideas ....

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anniel Posted - 09/25/2018 : 05:37:14
Originally posted by 75alessandro

ID device (for 27c1000/27c322/27c160) function not supported!

ID should work for the 27C1000.
75alessandro Posted - 09/25/2018 : 05:06:18
ID device (for 27c1000/27c322/27c160) function not supported!
75alessandro Posted - 09/24/2018 : 20:47:45
The chip ID does not detect me. I do not know if it is normal or not, the example above is with the 27c1000 but it does me the same with the 27c160 and 27c322 (mounted with adapter).
anniel Posted - 09/24/2018 : 15:05:03
Originally posted by 75alessandro

good morning, sorry my bad english, I have some problems with the programming of some chips (27c1000 / 27c160 / 27c322). I often get the error as in the attached photo. I state that:
- before writing the chips, I always delete them
- use of win 10 (also tested with win 7 but without any improvement)
- latest software version 7.21
- I also tried with a new programmer but with no results
do you have any idea ???

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Does the chip ID correctly?

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