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 GQ-4X4 not working with some chips

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tekky Posted - 09/02/2019 : 07:11:40
Hi, I've recently upgraded to a GQ-4X4 after blowing up my original GQ-4X programmer.

The frustrating thing is that now I'm having trouble getting it to work with some chips.

For example, the Atmel AT90S2313 ... which I used to be able to program in cicuit with a cable and adaptor I made up years ago ... no longer works.

Monitoring the various pins MOSI, MISO, RST, SCK with the adaptor plugged in or not ... I get no signal at all on any of them ... though the Vcc (which is not connected to my adaptor) does come up to 5v when accessing the chip.

Also Atmega16-16AU no longer reads or can be written ... even though I have done it many times with my old GQ-4X ... though this one does have signal on the relevant pins.

Neither will show a chip ID code.

I can program eeproms 24C04, eproms 27C256 etc etc quite happily in the socket.

Can anyone offer me any suggestions as to how to get it to work again please.

Thank you.
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
@AmodeoVal Posted - 11/13/2022 : 18:25:12
Originally posted by tekky

Hi, I've recently upgraded to a GQ-4X4 after blowing up my original GQ-4X programmer.

The frustrating thing is that now I'm having trouble getting it to work with some chips.

For example, the Atmel AT90S2313 ... which I used to be able to program in cicuit with a cable and adaptor I made up years ago ... no longer works.

Monitoring the various pins MOSI, MISO, RST, SCK with the adaptor plugged in or not ... I get no signal at all on any of them ... though the Vcc (which is not connected to my adaptor) does come up to 5v when accessing the chip.

Also Atmega16-16AU no longer reads or can be written ... even though I have done it many times with my old GQ-4X ... though this one does have signal on the relevant pins.

Neither will show a chip ID code.

I can program eeproms 24C04, eproms 27C256 etc etc quite happily in the socket.

Can anyone offer me any suggestions as to how to get it to work again please.

Thank you.

Has anyone been able to program the Atmel AT90S2313 using the GQ-4x4?
I have had no luck and might be returning the unit. I'll buy another if someone has had luck programming this 'supported' device.

anniel Posted - 09/06/2019 : 08:35:34
Originally posted by tekky

Thanks anniel, I did send an email to MCUMall but still have not heard back. Can you tell me the procedure to get my programmer replaced please?
tekky Posted - 09/06/2019 : 05:15:35
Thanks anniel, I did send an email to MCUMall but still have not heard back. Can you tell me the procedure to get my programmer replaced please?
anniel Posted - 09/04/2019 : 15:08:36
Originally posted by tekky

Next step is to open up your GQ-4X and look for bad solder joints, charred parts, burnt traces or blown chips etc.

Ok thanks ... happy to do that ... but will that void the warranty?

If it still is under warranty just exchange it.
tekky Posted - 09/04/2019 : 06:52:19
Next step is to open up your GQ-4X and look for bad solder joints, charred parts, burnt traces or blown chips etc.

Ok thanks ... happy to do that ... but will that void the warranty?
anniel Posted - 09/04/2019 : 06:28:57
Originally posted by tekky

"Where you at the location pointed to by the software?

Menu > Test H/W > Test H/W"

I had never noticed it before up there on the menu bar.

Most of the tests seemed ok ... BUT ...

I assume on the Hardware I/O Diagnostics window ... that I can turn on and off individual pins ... and then measure them to see that they operate correctly.

If that is the case ... address lines A13, A14, A15, A17 A18 do not function at all.

The rest of the address and data lines seem to switch on and off ok.

So I guess that explains why some chips do not work ... and others do.

Now of course ... the question is ... what can I do about it?

Next step is to open up your GQ-4X and look for bad solder joints, charred parts, burnt traces or blown chips etc.
tekky Posted - 09/04/2019 : 05:29:29
"Where you at the location pointed to by the software?

Menu > Test H/W > Test H/W"

I had never noticed it before up there on the menu bar.

Most of the tests seemed ok ... BUT ...

I assume on the Hardware I/O Diagnostics window ... that I can turn on and off individual pins ... and then measure them to see that they operate correctly.

If that is the case ... address lines A13, A14, A15, A17 A18 do not function at all.

The rest of the address and data lines seem to switch on and off ok.

So I guess that explains why some chips do not work ... and others do.

Now of course ... the question is ... what can I do about it?
anniel Posted - 09/04/2019 : 03:43:30
Originally posted by tekky

You wrote "The device line that you remove the semicolon should appear in your device list immediately after the restart."

That's what I hoped would happen, but it did not.

You wrote "If you have the same problem on 3 different systems your programmer may be damaged. Did you perform the hardware test?"

No, I have not. I did a quick search but couldn't find reference to it. Can you point me to an explanation please?

I'll do that before I try and load an earlier version. Thank you.

Where you at the location pointed to by the software?

Menu > Test H/W > Test H/W
tekky Posted - 09/03/2019 : 19:41:21
You wrote "The device line that you remove the semicolon should appear in your device list immediately after the restart."

That's what I hoped would happen, but it did not.

You wrote "If you have the same problem on 3 different systems your programmer may be damaged. Did you perform the hardware test?"

No, I have not. I did a quick search but couldn't find reference to it. Can you point me to an explanation please?

I'll do that before I try and load an earlier version. Thank you.
anniel Posted - 09/03/2019 : 07:05:11
Originally posted by tekky

Yes, I did restart the software. I've got into the habit of doing that any time I have any issues ... it often fixes things.
The device line that you remove the semicolon should appear in your device list immediately after the restart.

Originally posted by tekky

I've tried it on my older PC still using XP ... and another on windows 10.
If you have the same problem on 3 different systems your programmer may be damaged. Did you perform the hardware test?

Originally posted by tekky

Can I reload an earlier version?

tekky Posted - 09/03/2019 : 05:00:01
Yes, I did restart the software. I've got into the habit of doing that any time I have any issues ... it often fixes things.

I've tried it on my older PC still using XP ... and another on windows 10.

Can I reload an earlier version?
anniel Posted - 09/03/2019 : 03:18:12
Originally posted by tekky

Just some additional information ...

I cut the lead back to less than 10cm.

I also now realise that for the AT90S2313 the Vcc pin does not power up either ... so there's no way it can ever read.

I've also hooked up the external supply in case that is needed ... but no difference. Mmmm!

Looks like something wrong with the software.
anniel Posted - 09/03/2019 : 03:17:14
Originally posted by tekky

Thanks for your help anniel ... the line is exactly as you show.

I did find lower down, a reference to "AT90S1200*ISP" ...

See here ... ";Name="AT90S1200*ISP",ID="1E9001",Class="AVRISP",Category="MCU",MFG="Atmel",CodeSize="1024",EepromSize="64",ChipMode="AVRISP",Adapter="AVRISP connection.";"

I assume the semicolon effectively "comments out" the line ... but even after removing the semicolon ... I don't get access to AT90S1200*ISP in the devices list. I had wondered if I may be able to use that setting to make it work.

Reading the manual, I wondered if my lead is too long ... though have used it many times in the past with the older GQ-4X.

I will shorten it and try again ... but am really not hopeful because of the fact there are no signals on any of the lines anyway.

Did you restart the software?
tekky Posted - 09/02/2019 : 17:29:53
Just some additional information ...

I cut the lead back to less than 10cm.

I also now realise that for the AT90S2313 the Vcc pin does not power up either ... so there's no way it can ever read.

I've also hooked up the external supply in case that is needed ... but no difference. Mmmm!
tekky Posted - 09/02/2019 : 17:11:50
Thanks for your help anniel ... the line is exactly as you show.

I did find lower down, a reference to "AT90S1200*ISP" ...

See here ... ";Name="AT90S1200*ISP",ID="1E9001",Class="AVRISP",Category="MCU",MFG="Atmel",CodeSize="1024",EepromSize="64",ChipMode="AVRISP",Adapter="AVRISP connection.";"

I assume the semicolon effectively "comments out" the line ... but even after removing the semicolon ... I don't get access to AT90S1200*ISP in the devices list. I had wondered if I may be able to use that setting to make it work.

Reading the manual, I wondered if my lead is too long ... though have used it many times in the past with the older GQ-4X.

I will shorten it and try again ... but am really not hopeful because of the fact there are no signals on any of the lines anyway.
anniel Posted - 09/02/2019 : 15:35:52
Originally posted by tekky

So how do I check that?

I did look at the devices.txt ... but with the little I know it looked ok.


Does the line look exactly like this?

Name="AT90S2313 (Serial Mode)",ID="1E9101",Class="AT90S2313",Category="MCU",MFG="Atmel",CodeSize="2048",EepromSize="128",Speed="4",Message="Please use speed +1 or lower.";

Just strange that you have activity with one chip and not the other.
tekky Posted - 09/02/2019 : 13:43:05
So how do I check that?

I did look at the devices.txt ... but with the little I know it looked ok.

anniel Posted - 09/02/2019 : 08:32:37
Originally posted by tekky

Hi, I've recently upgraded to a GQ-4X4 after blowing up my original GQ-4X programmer.

The frustrating thing is that now I'm having trouble getting it to work with some chips.

For example, the Atmel AT90S2313 ... which I used to be able to program in cicuit with a cable and adaptor I made up years ago ... no longer works.

Monitoring the various pins MOSI, MISO, RST, SCK with the adaptor plugged in or not ... I get no signal at all on any of them ... though the Vcc (which is not connected to my adaptor) does come up to 5v when accessing the chip.

Also Atmega16-16AU no longer reads or can be written ... even though I have done it many times with my old GQ-4X ... though this one does have signal on the relevant pins.

Neither will show a chip ID code.

I can program eeproms 24C04, eproms 27C256 etc etc quite happily in the socket.

Can anyone offer me any suggestions as to how to get it to work again please.

Thank you.

Corrupt device definition or class?

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