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 Writing wrong data

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Lucky1 Posted - 03/31/2020 : 09:46:41

I am able to write the EProm but the data is not the same as the uploaded .bin file.

On the first MBM2716 eprom, All was good exept the ASCII "!" were all written as "1"

My other issue was with a TMS2532JL eprom, everything was totally different from the loaded bin file.

File and device offset are always @ 00000000 and 000000
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 04/03/2020 : 09:05:07
Originally posted by Lucky1

Filing the pin legs really good did the job!

Dirty contacts is a common problem for some chips.
Lucky1 Posted - 04/03/2020 : 06:57:02
Filing the pin legs really good did the job!
anniel Posted - 03/31/2020 : 12:54:22
Originally posted by Lucky1

Voltage diagnostic passed all the tests w/wo power supply.

Yeah, tried speed -2 and 0 and 2, which are 5, 3 and 1.

I was able to program another 2532 earlier today without the power supply.

I don't get why it still 100% writes but with the wrong data. It "creates" its own data ?!?

Thank for your help btw.

You can try to play with the WVCC it sometimes help old chips to accept the good values.
Lucky1 Posted - 03/31/2020 : 11:14:37
Voltage diagnostic passed all the tests w/wo power supply.

Yeah, tried speed -2 and 0 and 2, which are 5, 3 and 1.

I was able to program another 2532 earlier today without the power supply.

I don't get why it still 100% writes but with the wrong data. It "creates" its own data ?!?

Thank for your help btw.
anniel Posted - 03/31/2020 : 10:59:07
Originally posted by Lucky1

Dual powered:
USB 3.0
9V DC, (Positive polarity inside), it outputs 12.75V DC under no load.

That is a badly regulated supply! Did you try lower speed settings?
Lucky1 Posted - 03/31/2020 : 10:31:03
Dual powered:
USB 3.0
9V DC, (Positive polarity inside), it outputs 12.75V DC under no load.
anniel Posted - 03/31/2020 : 09:52:32
Originally posted by Lucky1


I am able to write the EProm but the data is not the same as the uploaded .bin file.

On the first MBM2716 eprom, All was good exept the ASCII "!" were all written as "1"

My other issue was with a TMS2532JL eprom, everything was totally different from the loaded bin file.

File and device offset are always @ 00000000 and 000000

What is the power supply you are using?

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