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 MSA12 Immo Off problems - Verify Fails after write

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Ronen 722 Posted - 10/03/2023 : 11:08:10
Hi all, need a bit of assistance if possible.

Im trying to disable the immo on the MSA 12, the immo data is held on an SOIC8 chip which I removed from the board and inserted into an SOIC8 to DIO8 adapter on the GQ-4x4 programmer.

I add device 93C46, successfully, I can read successfully, I alter the file in hex editor, erase the chip but when I try to wrtie the new or amended file I get write but then verify fails. Being EEPROM I should be able to write multiple times.....Confused.

verify failed, address=0x00002C, Device=0x60, Buffer=0x00

Pin 17 on the image of the slot is red

Any help gratefully received
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ronen 722 Posted - 10/16/2023 : 07:15:40
This programmer always shows one bad pin.
anniel Posted - 10/12/2023 : 06:44:02
Originally posted by Ronen 722

blank check and IS not supported with chip type.

I had a successful write, i turned the adapter upside down and it wrote !

Still no comms to VCDS when ECU installed though and no start but the glow plug light now goes out.

I socketed the ECU and installed 28 pin DIPs with map files on

One pin is bad on the adapter?
Ronen 722 Posted - 10/11/2023 : 03:37:12
blank check and IS not supported with chip type.

I had a successful write, i turned the adapter upside down and it wrote !

Still no comms to VCDS when ECU installed though and no start but the glow plug light now goes out.

I socketed the ECU and installed 28 pin DIPs with map files on
anniel Posted - 10/10/2023 : 05:01:27
Originally posted by Ronen 722

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Ronen 722

Hi all, need a bit of assistance if possible.

Im trying to disable the immo on the MSA 12, the immo data is held on an SOIC8 chip which I removed from the board and inserted into an SOIC8 to DIO8 adapter on the GQ-4x4 programmer.

I add device 93C46, successfully, I can read successfully, I alter the file in hex editor, erase the chip but when I try to wrtie the new or amended file I get write but then verify fails. Being EEPROM I should be able to write multiple times.....Confused.

verify failed, address=0x00002C, Device=0x60, Buffer=0x00

Pin 17 on the image of the slot is red

Any help gratefully received

Wich 93C46 device definition are you using?

Just that - 93C46 8 bit as device
Its texas instruments so tried the prefix but no luck

The chip passes blank check?
Ronen 722 Posted - 10/10/2023 : 04:47:13
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Ronen 722

Hi all, need a bit of assistance if possible.

Im trying to disable the immo on the MSA 12, the immo data is held on an SOIC8 chip which I removed from the board and inserted into an SOIC8 to DIO8 adapter on the GQ-4x4 programmer.

I add device 93C46, successfully, I can read successfully, I alter the file in hex editor, erase the chip but when I try to wrtie the new or amended file I get write but then verify fails. Being EEPROM I should be able to write multiple times.....Confused.

verify failed, address=0x00002C, Device=0x60, Buffer=0x00

Pin 17 on the image of the slot is red

Any help gratefully received

Wich 93C46 device definition are you using?

Just that - 93C46 8 bit as device
Its texas instruments so tried the prefix but no luck
anniel Posted - 10/04/2023 : 05:57:12
Originally posted by Ronen 722

Hi all, need a bit of assistance if possible.

Im trying to disable the immo on the MSA 12, the immo data is held on an SOIC8 chip which I removed from the board and inserted into an SOIC8 to DIO8 adapter on the GQ-4x4 programmer.

I add device 93C46, successfully, I can read successfully, I alter the file in hex editor, erase the chip but when I try to wrtie the new or amended file I get write but then verify fails. Being EEPROM I should be able to write multiple times.....Confused.

verify failed, address=0x00002C, Device=0x60, Buffer=0x00

Pin 17 on the image of the slot is red

Any help gratefully received

Wich 93C46 device definition are you using?

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