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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 2532 eproms

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T O P I C    R E V I E W Posted - 07/29/2010 : 10:29:25
Hello ,

i have GQ-4X and i try to programming TMS2532A JL with no luck.
I tried also to program the 2532A with 2732 adaptor with no luck also.
When i tried TMS2532JDL programming is OK.

The only difference i know is that 2532JDL is 25V and 2532A is 21V.

Is this eprom not supported or am i doing something wrong ?

21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 10/10/2018 : 04:15:44
Originally posted by K17

After many failed trials, I have finally figured out how to program the TMS2532A 24 pin EPROM. Here is the procedure I now use, which seems to work for me:

1. Plugin the GQ-4x programmer into the USB port, and listen for double-beep
2. Plugin an external 9v power supply
3. Start the GQ USB Programmer Software
4. Set device to "TMS2532A(READ ONLY)"
Note: This will set the Vpp to 21v instead of 25v
Do not use 2532 devices (without the "A") at 25v as they will fry the chip forever
5. Set the Speed to lowest value (-2)
6. Select Write, Verify and Double-Write
7. Load your bin file
8. Click the Write button (it will write twice, and then verify)

So far, I have successfully programmed (and tested in my pinball speech board) 4 chips, and they are working fine.

Thank you for sharing the detailed procedure you followed but your success is with the chips that where on the board originally or is it "new" devices?
K17 Posted - 10/09/2018 : 20:40:48
After many failed trials, I have finally figured out how to program the TMS2532A 24 pin EPROM. Here is the procedure I now use, which seems to work for me:

1. Plugin the GQ-4x programmer into the USB port, and listen for double-beep
2. Plugin an external 9v power supply
3. Start the GQ USB Programmer Software
4. Set device to "TMS2532A(READ ONLY)"
Note: This will set the Vpp to 21v instead of 25v
Do not use 2532 devices (without the "A") at 25v as they will fry the chip forever
5. Set the Speed to lowest value (-2)
6. Select Write, Verify and Double-Write
7. Load your bin file
8. Click the Write button (it will write twice, and then verify)

So far, I have successfully programmed (and tested in my pinball speech board) 4 chips, and they are working fine.

ZLM Posted - 10/23/2010 : 22:30:22
txmarsh Posted - 10/22/2010 : 23:11:26
Thanks for the clarification. Is there a burner that is known to work well with the TMS2532A JL eproms?
ZLM Posted - 10/22/2010 : 06:25:36
For unknow reason, the TMS2532A do not work well on GQ-4X.
Only TMS2532 and HN462532 work good.
txmarsh Posted - 10/21/2010 : 18:06:32
So I'm not clear... does the GQ-4X work with TMS2532A eproms? I'm getting about 50% success and am not sure if its the chips or the burner. I am using an external power supply. Thanks!
LittleRed Posted - 09/12/2010 : 11:04:27
Originally posted by ZLM

I got some TMS2532 and Hitachi HN462532 EPROMs, they all works good on GQ-4X. Then I can say the GQ-4X works good on TMS2532 and the Hitachi HN462532, but not the TMS2532A.

Maybe. But I use completely different programmers.
ZLM Posted - 09/10/2010 : 21:35:22
I got some TMS2532 and Hitachi HN462532 EPROMs, they all works good on GQ-4X. Then I can say the GQ-4X works good on TMS2532 and the Hitachi HN462532, but not the TMS2532A.
LittleRed Posted - 09/10/2010 : 02:31:50
Better reclaim your money as well, and brinsley. It appears we all bought the same 1-of-10-works batches of chips from the same supplier. I'm not taking that lying down.
LittleRed Posted - 09/08/2010 : 12:26:38
Originally posted by

Exactly the same thing.
Only 1 of the 10 eproms i have (new eproms) programmed Ok.
Also i try to program like 2732 with adaptor with no luck.
I order new TMS2532 eproms (not 2532A) and Hitachi HN462532 to see if it is OK.
When i have info about this eproms i will post back.


Did you buy your TMS2532A chips from the same place as 'brinsley' and me ? We could have a con man on our hands here (see previous message).
LittleRed Posted - 09/08/2010 : 12:23:12
Originally posted by brinsley

I find it very strange everyone is having the same problem...I bought my Eproms from Ebay in America....
Sounds like the programmer to me. I have also ordered some TMS2532's in a bid to see if they work but am not very optimistic now

Um, I came across this post just now and guess what ? I bought 10 from the same Ebay shop, and only one of them programmed OK. Bought another two from the same shop recently, neither works. I'm beginning to think this is a con ! Posted - 08/16/2010 : 13:06:06
i order from here

the TMS2532 and the Hitachi HN462532
ZLM Posted - 08/16/2010 : 06:49:14
Anyone can send the testing chips to company address in Contact of main home page.

That is a good things to know the "TMS2532 and Hitachi HN462532 works OK." from

Where did you get those chips?
brinsley Posted - 08/15/2010 : 14:31:06
Yeah thats no problem. Where do I send the chips that won't programme too....any ideas ??
Bad_Ad84 Posted - 08/13/2010 : 05:46:41
Because it says (test)

It means that the programming/reading algorithm probably isnt finished/fully tested.

If you send a testing chip to ZLM he can improve support. Posted - 08/13/2010 : 01:50:03

TMS2532 and Hitachi HN462532 works OK.
I have now 10 item of TMS2532 and 10 items of Hitachi.
All 20 works fine.
I think something wrong only with TMS2532A.

Bad_Ad84 Posted - 08/13/2010 : 00:26:49
Send some that dont work to ZLM and he can update things. As you said it has (test) next to it, so just needs refining.
brinsley Posted - 08/12/2010 : 16:02:12
I find it very strange everyone is having the same problem...I bought my Eproms from Ebay in America....
Sounds like the programmer to me. I have also ordered some TMS2532's in a bid to see if they work but am not very optimistic now
ZLM Posted - 08/11/2010 : 01:01:18
It is unknown compatibility issue. Only about 10% chips can be programmed, programmed chip has same production batch code with others. But read is working fine. Where do you buy those chips? Posted - 08/10/2010 : 09:43:38
Exactly the same thing.
Only 1 of the 10 eproms i have (new eproms) programmed Ok.
Also i try to program like 2732 with adaptor with no luck.
I order new TMS2532 eproms (not 2532A) and Hitachi HN462532 to see if it is OK.
When i have info about this eproms i will post back.

brinsley Posted - 08/09/2010 : 03:28:51
I have exactly the same setup....and I bought 10 x TMS2532A JL and found only one of them programmed. I have also tried making an adapter to read and write as a TMS2732a under TMS2732a settings and that doesn't work.
The eprom says its supported in brackets (test) but I would like to know why it doesnt programme the other 9. I am also using an external power supply on the GQ-4X

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