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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 Support for MX29F1610

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topgeargames Posted - 07/08/2013 : 23:04:19
The GQ-4X supports most of the Macronix branded chips, but it doesnt have the MX29F1610 listed. It is pinout compatible with the MX29L3211 chip (minus the A20 pin), so is there something I can add to the device.txt to add support for this chip?
59   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 04/24/2023 : 06:13:01
Originally posted by Bogdanval

Can I contact Administration?
It is about advertisement on your website.
anniel Posted - 04/24/2023 : 06:11:58
Originally posted by Bogdanval

Where is moderator??
I'ts important.

Right here.
Bogdanval Posted - 04/23/2023 : 21:04:52
Can I contact Administration?
It is about advertisement on your website.
Bogdanval Posted - 04/23/2023 : 17:30:21
Where is moderator??
I'ts important.
22asd Posted - 05/24/2019 : 20:46:38
Cant get it to burn..did everything it said

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anniel Posted - 04/06/2019 : 02:52:08
Originally posted by 22asd

Going to be burning some next, I will let you know how that goes. I dont think there will be any problems, Ill keep you posted.

Good. Thank you.
22asd Posted - 04/06/2019 : 02:22:10
Going to be burning some next, I will let you know how that goes. I dont think there will be any problems, Ill keep you posted.
anniel Posted - 04/03/2019 : 03:56:21
Originally posted by 22asd

Got that number? I assume that it has been resolved to some extent. There seems to be an addition of the chip to some extent as well as an image to show how to setup the adapter to flash it. Right?
22asd Posted - 04/01/2019 : 22:49:57
Got that number? I assume that it has been resolved to some extent. There seems to be an addition of the chip to some extent as well as an image to show how to setup the adapter to flash it. Right?
anniel Posted - 03/31/2019 : 04:28:26
Originally posted by 22asd

Any news on this or is ZLM still waiting for donor chips?

You should give a call to MCUMall.
22asd Posted - 03/30/2019 : 21:29:55
Any news on this or is ZLM still waiting for donor chips?
Ice Man Posted - 02/16/2018 : 07:38:11
Don't have any since I've been waiting for this chip to be supported. Even requested it via software long time ago but nothing was done yet. :(
anniel Posted - 02/16/2018 : 04:15:01
Originally posted by Ice Man

Any news on this?

Someone sent a chip to ZLM for testing?
Ice Man Posted - 02/16/2018 : 02:42:45
Any news on this?
kodyk17 Posted - 07/21/2017 : 08:51:38
Is this how the adapter should look to get it to write? I'm close I just need a little advice please.
kodyk17 Posted - 07/20/2017 : 18:20:55
I'd like to know how this can be programmed on Willem GQ-4x I have an ADP-019 v4.1 adapter and MX29F1610-10 chips. I've tried using this device.

Name="MX29F1610T*PSOP44",ID="C2F1",Class="MX29L3211",CodeSize="2097152",Category="FLASH",MFG="Macronix",Adapter="ADP-019 V4",VCC="5V",RVpp="5V",TempUnprotect="Yes,False",Platform="GQ-4X",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position. J2 on 28F, J1 on 29LV160 positions";

Can get chip to ID, ERASE, and Blank Check with J1 and J2 set for 29L3211. I connected a resistor between pin 44 (WP) to +5 on the adp adapter and I still cannot get it to write. Is there anyone that can help resolve this long running issue?

Ice Man Posted - 05/15/2017 : 03:54:15
Any news for this? I'd like to program MX29F1610MC as well but it doesn't work.
Rodragon Posted - 07/14/2016 : 09:28:28
So we have a solution for this? Can anyone post an image of the adapter ready to burn the 29F1610?
anniel Posted - 05/28/2016 : 07:05:20
Yes a pull-up resistor.
Jarryson Posted - 05/28/2016 : 05:31:29
Originally posted by anniel

Yes WP = Write Protect on your MX29L1610. Is your MX29L1610 5V?
You need to pull it high.

I havent tried it yet. But I dont understand, 6k8 between 5V and WP ?
anniel Posted - 05/28/2016 : 03:32:34
Yes WP = Write Protect on your MX29L1610. Is your MX29L1610 5V?
You need to pull it high.
Jarryson Posted - 05/27/2016 : 18:15:27
Originally posted by anniel

WP pin.

I dont understand, sorry.

WP = Write Protect? what is this pin in the adapter adp 019?

Resistor have to go between 5V and WP ?

anniel Posted - 05/27/2016 : 16:49:47
WP pin.
Jarryson Posted - 05/27/2016 : 16:13:05

where I have to set the 6k8 resistor? I want to read/write MX29L1610.

anniel Posted - 01/02/2016 : 11:01:24
Someone sent a chip to ZLM for testing?
Rodragon Posted - 01/02/2016 : 09:11:26
Any News about this?

Tryed all sollutions from the topic, but no success...
RedScorpion Posted - 02/15/2015 : 03:23:20

Remove the ** and pay attention the h**p:// is used

ramparts Posted - 02/14/2015 : 18:57:38
hi guys,

maybe i find a way to solve this issue.

Ezoflash has a adapter which is almost the same lime the adp-19 from gqx4.

In this schematic he uses one 6k8 resistor to VCC to set the WP Pin to high i think.

Could anyone check this?!

Set the same settings from 29L3211 chip and solder a 6k8 resistor to VCC.




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RedScorpion Posted - 02/14/2015 : 02:26:13
hi guys,

maybe i find a way to solve this issue.

Ezoflash has a adapter which is almost the same lime the adp-19 from gqx4.

In this schematic he uses one 6k8 resistor to VCC to set the WP Pin to high i think.

Could anyone check this?!

Set the same settings from 29L3211 chip and solder a 6k8 resistor to VCC.



ramparts Posted - 01/31/2015 : 11:56:32
So basicaly an expensive Copy of the original

they should have copied better

They told they were go tho see what is wrong but i doubt ,i will put it work ok.
If the shipping cost werenīt so expensive for my country i would buy the official from McuMall

thank you very much for your Help
ZLM Posted - 01/29/2015 : 23:16:02
The adapter you used is not tested and confirmed by MCUmall on GQ-4X. The correct adapter for this chip from MCUmall is ADP-019 V4.
ramparts Posted - 01/27/2015 : 16:35:36
wELL i have a willem and i recently i bought a gq-4x ,strangely just the old dog true willem 4.5c has been efective on reading all tipes of chips,i had an usue that gq-4x didnīt read a clone chip of 27c4001 and the willem did maybe because of the code id ,if the programmer canīt detect a valid cod id from the manufacturer wonīt read the chip,i think that could be the cause.
i had bought a gq-4x serial adapter and this from the net


this till now seems a copy adapter for 29lv160 and i couldnīt get it to read neither one of my 10 new 29lv160tmc-90 chips.

what i mean is that in some cases the old hardware donīdisappoint ,and makes me wonder if is a good idea to spend about 60 euros on a new willem programmer.
Because you pay money and get bad results ,and in some cases low or no support..

Sory my bad english

Best Regards

ZLM Posted - 01/27/2015 : 11:24:09
The 5V jumper on adapter means adapter has no control on VCC. The VCC controlled by programmer.

In this case, the programmer is going to adjust the VCC to 3.6V.

The 5V/3.6V VCC jumper on adapter has its story, it mainly for a backward compatibility design. The old Willem programmer has no automatic VCC control, all the voltages controlled by combination of jumpers, include the adapter VCC jumper.

The GQ-4X has automatic VCC control. So, it adjusts the VCC based on the chip voltage. But all adapters are compatible with old willem programmer.

ramparts Posted - 01/26/2015 : 18:06:43
One thing i notice is when you put the 29lv160 adapter it tells to active the 5 volt ,but you can see that the chip i am using the 29lv160tmc-90 is a 3.0-3.6v chip so how the programmer tells me to activate the 5volt jumper on the adapter?
With the 5v active reads but donīt write ,meanwhile i will try to set 3.3v jumper to see if i can program the chip.

see datasheet:

goul-patrol Posted - 11/06/2014 : 04:24:52
have You some news ?

for the MX29F1610.
goul-patrol Posted - 07/05/2014 : 03:18:00
it would still be nice to have an answer as what the problem is treated
goul-patrol Posted - 07/01/2014 : 13:25:18
Can I caress the soft dream that one day close enough my problem is a solution, support this software eprom level?
goul-patrol Posted - 06/28/2014 : 00:53:43
harf no MX29F1610 on the new software 6,29 :)
goul-patrol Posted - 05/24/2014 : 08:39:31
some news for it ?????????????????
goul-patrol Posted - 04/15/2014 : 11:38:02
have you some news ?
goul-patrol Posted - 01/31/2014 : 16:11:13
i have try it pin 44 to VCC 5 v no result :(
ZLM Posted - 01/29/2014 : 17:00:49
Yes. I read that, the only difference is the Pin 44. The MX29F1610 Pin 44 is WP- and it needs to be connected to the VCC of the chip when erase and write.
Other than that, all commands and pins are same.

Therotically it should work. Since your test fail, so I need a chip to find out why.

You can still try to connect that chip pin 44 to the VCC 5V pin on adapter and see if it makes different.

The picture is connect the Pin 44 to the programmer WP pin.
goul-patrol Posted - 01/29/2014 : 14:37:22

i think is the pinout rewiring because if you compare the 29l3211 and the 29f1610 data sheet you see



ZLM Posted - 01/29/2014 : 14:25:20
Well, I thnk I need a testing chip in order to find out why.
goul-patrol Posted - 01/29/2014 : 14:18:09
i have tested on other pc with windows xp 32 bit

with the temp unprotected checkbox

usbprog6.27 i have make the wiring :

id is good but no prog no erase ...
ZLM Posted - 01/29/2014 : 09:52:13
It should always there.

No, you do not need to reinstall, this checkbox will be enabled after you select the chip from the device list.
goul-patrol Posted - 01/29/2014 : 02:40:30
i haven't this this part of sofware are blank ?

i have windows 7 pro 64 bit the software give me the good hardware rev and software but i think i have bug how to make a cleaning intall remove all and reinstall it ?
ZLM Posted - 01/28/2014 : 23:36:27
does read work?

check the Temp Unprotect checkbox.

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goul-patrol Posted - 01/28/2014 : 23:02:56

with usbprog6.27 the id is good i have make the wiring :

but prog and erase are not good :( i think the pinout is not good some one can tell me the j1 and j2 exactelly rewire .
goul-patrol Posted - 01/28/2014 : 02:38:54
i try it and give you the result ;)
ZLM Posted - 01/27/2014 : 18:17:08
try this version.

Chip is added. But not tested.
goul-patrol Posted - 01/27/2014 : 00:45:42
nobody can reply the good way on gq4x with adaptor adp-019 v4 to burn Mx29f1610mc ?
goul-patrol Posted - 01/26/2014 : 02:07:55
i want burn MX 29f1610MC i have adaptor adp-019 v4

i take this:

Name="MX29F1610T*PSOP44",ID="C2F1",Class="MX29L3211",CodeSize="2097152",Category="FLASH",MFG="Macronix",Adapter="ADP-019 V4",VCC="5V",RVpp="5V",TempUnprotect="Yes,False",Platform="GQ-4X",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position. J2 on 28F, J1 on 29LV160 positions";

But it's not good the j2 on 28f return unkown id, but j2 on 32l return the good id .

i think j1 on 29lv160 is not good , because i have no erase and no prog ?
ZLM Posted - 01/25/2014 : 20:43:28
What config? Can you read it?
goul-patrol Posted - 01/25/2014 : 07:28:33

with this id are correct but config not !
goul-patrol Posted - 01/25/2014 : 07:03:44
is it good for id and config ?


you can see :

Manufacturer Code : C2H

MX29F1610 Device Code : F1H

i have error erase .

ZLM Posted - 07/15/2013 : 09:55:15

Name="MX29F1610T*PSOP44",ID="C2FA",Class="MX29L3211",CodeSize="2097152",Category="FLASH",MFG="Macronix",Adapter="ADP-019 V4",VCC="5V",RVpp="5V",TempUnprotect="Yes,False",Platform="GQ-4X",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position. J2 on 28F, J1 on 29LV160 positions";

Name="MX29F1610B*PSOP44",ID="C2FB",Class="MX29L3211",CodeSize="2097152",Category="FLASH",MFG="Macronix",Adapter="ADP-019 V4",VCC="5V",RVpp="5V",TempUnprotect="Yes,False",Platform="GQ-4X",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position.J2 on 28F, J1 on 29LV160 positions";
Bad_Ad84 Posted - 07/14/2013 : 22:46:56
He said MX29F1610 not the MX29L161

The 29F161 is a 5v chip, not 3.6
ZLM Posted - 07/10/2013 : 18:53:20
Yes. You can try:

Name="MX29L1610T*PSOP44",ID="C261",Class="MX29L3211",CodeSize="2097152",Category="FLASH",MFG="Macronix",Adapter="ADP-019 V3",VCC="3.6V",RVpp="5V",TempUnprotect="Yes,False",Platform="GQ-4X",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position. Jumper on 29L3211 positions";

Name="MX29L1610B*PSOP44",ID="C262",Class="MX29L3211",CodeSize="2097152",Category="FLASH",MFG="Macronix",Adapter="ADP-019 V3",VCC="3.6V",RVpp="5V",TempUnprotect="Yes,False",Platform="GQ-4X",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position. Jumper on 29L3211 positions";

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