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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 GQ-4X support the IC S29AL008J ???

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miguelston Posted - 02/16/2015 : 12:31:36
the GQ-4X support the IC flash S29AL008J ????
21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 05/26/2018 : 08:30:04
Originally posted by tekky

Originally posted by anniel


You can leave the adapter jumper to 5V because the programmer provides the 3V.

Ok, thank you ... I didn't realise that.

Is the software likely to be updated where the new type adaptors are listed for these ICs. If I hadn't taken the time to ask here ... I would never have known. Thank you.

That would be for ZLM to say.

In the meantime you can add them yourself to your devices.txt and maybe post your line(s) here to help out others that may be in need of programming the same chips...
tekky Posted - 05/26/2018 : 03:27:46
Originally posted by anniel


You can leave the adapter jumper to 5V because the programmer provides the 3V.

Ok, thank you ... I didn't realise that.

Is the software likely to be updated where the new type adaptors are listed for these ICs. If I hadn't taken the time to ask here ... I would never have known. Thank you.
anniel Posted - 05/25/2018 : 04:21:36
Originally posted by tekky

Ok, I'm back to report my results.

I bought the ADP-033 kit which has a selection of adaptors and ZIF sockets ... see anniel's link above.

It was pretty confusing because the GQ USB Programmer kept saying I needed to use an ADP-003 adaptor and select 5V ... but it's a 3.3V chip!

I made sure the software was up to date ... but this message never changed.

Anyway, I used the ADP-072 Base Board with the ADP-077 ZIF socket ... and definitely selected 3V because it's a 3.3V chip

I used the first "S29AL008D..-01" that shows up under the Spansion brand ... and the programmer was able to recognise the chip and read and reprogram chips ok.

I did try the other adaptor (ADP-073) ... and got a checksum very close to my original ... but went back to the ADP-072 to do my copies.

Thanks again anniel.

You can leave the adapter jumper to 5V because the programmer provides the 3V.
tekky Posted - 05/25/2018 : 02:15:36
Ok, I'm back to report my results.

I bought the ADP-033 kit which has a selection of adaptors and ZIF sockets ... see anniel's link above.

It was pretty confusing because the GQ USB Programmer kept saying I needed to use an ADP-003 adaptor and select 5V ... but it's a 3.3V chip!

I made sure the software was up to date ... but this message never changed.

Anyway, I used the ADP-072 Base Board with the ADP-077 ZIF socket ... and definitely selected 3V because it's a 3.3V chip

I used the first "S29AL008D..-01" that shows up under the Spansion brand ... and the programmer was able to recognise the chip and read and reprogram chips ok.

I did try the other adaptor (ADP-073) ... and got a checksum very close to my original ... but went back to the ADP-072 to do my copies.

Thanks again anniel.
anniel Posted - 02/22/2018 : 03:45:10
Are all the DATA lines connected to something?
anniel Posted - 02/21/2018 : 17:11:29
Originally posted by tekky

Thanks anniel ... I shall try it then. The new chips and new programmer adaptor set should be here in a week, so I'll soon find out. Thank you again.

Keep us posted with your results...
tekky Posted - 02/21/2018 : 14:53:40
Thanks anniel ... I shall try it then. The new chips and new programmer adaptor set should be here in a week, so I'll soon find out. Thank you again.
anniel Posted - 02/21/2018 : 04:05:24
Originally posted by tekky

Ok ... thank you, that makes sense ... won't be the first time I did something by trial and error. Just can't afford to blow up a chip from one of my working boards as I try and copy it.

I have an S29AL008J70TFI01 flash memory chip used in some equipment that is faulty.

I wish to remove one from a known good working board and copy the program onto a new chip ...

... then fit that chip to the faulty board.

I have the software to update the boards ... but it requires the boot section program in the top portion of the flash chip ... to be able to load itself.

In other words ... if I put in a fresh new blank chip ... the board will have no means of loading its new firmware ... that's why I have to copy an original chip first.

Try both 8bit and 16bit. It wont blow up!
tekky Posted - 02/20/2018 : 15:17:21
Ok ... thank you, that makes sense ... won't be the first time I did something by trial and error. Just can't afford to blow up a chip from one of my working boards as I try and copy it.

I have an S29AL008J70TFI01 flash memory chip used in some equipment that is faulty.

I wish to remove one from a known good working board and copy the program onto a new chip ...

... then fit that chip to the faulty board.

I have the software to update the boards ... but it requires the boot section program in the top portion of the flash chip ... to be able to load itself.

In other words ... if I put in a fresh new blank chip ... the board will have no means of loading its new firmware ... that's why I have to copy an original chip first.
anniel Posted - 02/20/2018 : 05:19:43
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by tekky

That is extremely helpful thank you anniel ... I shall order one straight away.

My other question is regarding the 8 bit or 16 bit base boards for TSOP48 chips ... how do I know which one to use?

I don't know or understand enough about the S29AL008J70TFI01 IC ... am I correct in believing they can be programmed in either format ... 8 bit or 16 bit?

Probably my main concern is ... will it damage my master chip if I place it in the wrong one? Thank you.

Trial and error if you have no schematics or other info.
No damage to the chip except the data wont be in the right format. You might get FF on half of the read or the data could be altered.

What is your application? Someone might have more details...
anniel Posted - 02/20/2018 : 05:17:55
Originally posted by tekky

That is extremely helpful thank you anniel ... I shall order one straight away.

My other question is regarding the 8 bit or 16 bit base boards for TSOP48 chips ... how do I know which one to use?

I don't know or understand enough about the S29AL008J70TFI01 IC ... am I correct in believing they can be programmed in either format ... 8 bit or 16 bit?

Probably my main concern is ... will it damage my master chip if I place it in the wrong one? Thank you.

Trial and error if you have no schematics or other info.
No damage to the chip except the data wont be in the right format. You might get FF on half of the read or the data could be altered.
tekky Posted - 02/19/2018 : 17:01:11
That is extremely helpful thank you anniel ... I shall order one straight away.

My other question is regarding the 8 bit or 16 bit base boards for TSOP48 chips ... how do I know which one to use?

I don't know or understand enough about the S29AL008J70TFI01 IC ... am I correct in believing they can be programmed in either format ... 8 bit or 16 bit?

Probably my main concern is ... will it damage my master chip if I place it in the wrong one? Thank you.
anniel Posted - 02/19/2018 : 04:40:20
Originally posted by tekky

Hi, I know this is an old thread but I came searching with the same question. I have an S29AL008J70TFI01 to program ... but there are two different adaptors for TSOP48 ... ADP-042 and ADP-003.

I assume it is because of a choice of 8 or 16 bit ... but I do not know enough to choose the correct one ... or to know if the old eprom has been programmed in an 8 bit or 16 bit format.

Can anyone help me please. Thank you.

ADP-033 has both and then some.
tekky Posted - 02/18/2018 : 23:54:34
Hi, I know this is an old thread but I came searching with the same question. I have an S29AL008J70TFI01 to program ... but there are two different adaptors for TSOP48 ... ADP-042 and ADP-003.

I assume it is because of a choice of 8 or 16 bit ... but I do not know enough to choose the correct one ... or to know if the old eprom has been programmed in an 8 bit or 16 bit format.

Can anyone help me please. Thank you.
miguelston Posted - 03/02/2015 : 00:02:06
ok, thanks........
ZLM Posted - 03/01/2015 : 20:03:58
S29AL008D should work.
miguelston Posted - 03/01/2015 : 14:41:40
I dont see this ic in the device list......
ZLM Posted - 02/25/2015 : 16:16:48
ZLM Posted - 02/25/2015 : 16:16:48
miguelston Posted - 02/24/2015 : 14:37:04
TSOP 48pin
ZLM Posted - 02/16/2015 : 20:26:47
Yes. This is supported. What is your chip package?

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