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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 GQ-3X 29F800 only 50%?

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nbdey Posted - 08/21/2014 : 08:23:14
Hello I got a GQ-3X ( from and got never problems with it.
I use the ADP-019 V2.1

But now I´ve to write a 29F800BB (tried a BT too, but same problem) and the Willem stops at 50% and I´m confused...
I think I must bridge the Pin A19 on the Adapter to Pin A19 on willem, but there are two of them, I tried both, but same result...

Can anyone help me? Maybe tell how the right way should be?
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anniel Posted - 05/27/2019 : 09:52:08
Originally posted by ZRimas

Check if A19 is communicated from the ZIF socket to the chip.

OMG!!! Somebody (probably ME!) removed A19B pin from the adapter! Soldered new one, everything is working!

Thanks a lot, anniel!

You're welcome!

The 4 top pins of the adapter need to be removed only for the older programmers.
ZRimas Posted - 05/27/2019 : 08:59:42
Check if A19 is communicated from the ZIF socket to the chip.

OMG!!! Somebody (probably ME!) removed A19B pin from the adapter! Soldered new one, everything is working!

Thanks a lot, anniel!
anniel Posted - 05/27/2019 : 08:35:20
Originally posted by ZRimas

Originally posted by anniel

Both halves of the read are good?

Hmmm. Not shure. Checked my read files, looks like they are ok, but I do not have any 'untouched' 29F800 to check it.


Now I tried on more time:
I have the original file for 29F800, read from ECU by OBD - it has no doubled information after address 0x8000h.
What I did:
- erased 29F800
- checked - it has all FFs
- tried to write original file, read by OBD
- programmer stopped at 50%
- disconnected programmer, connected again and read what has been written - it has doubled information, it means 0x0000h-0x7FFFFh has it's copy from 0x80000h

Check if A19 is communicated from the ZIF socket to the chip.
ZRimas Posted - 05/27/2019 : 07:46:41
Originally posted by anniel

Both halves of the read are good?

Hmmm. Not shure. Checked my read files, looks like they are ok, but I do not have any 'untouched' 29F800 to check it.


Now I tried on more time:
I have the original file for 29F800, read from ECU by OBD - it has no doubled information after address 0x8000h.
What I did:
- erased 29F800
- checked - it has all FFs
- tried to write original file, read by OBD
- programmer stopped at 50%
- disconnected programmer, connected again and read what has been written - it has doubled information, it means 0x0000h-0x7FFFFh has it's copy from 0x80000h
anniel Posted - 05/27/2019 : 07:18:00
Originally posted by ZRimas

I have similar issue - programmer GZ-4X, adapter PSOP44-DIP V2 ADP-019 (original from mcumall)- I can't program 29F800 more than 50%. Jumper set to 29F, id reads correctly, reads full flash - also, erases - OK, but when I start writing, it freezes on 50% with red led on on the programmer.

What I'm doing wrong?

Both halves of the read are good?
ZRimas Posted - 05/27/2019 : 05:42:29
I have similar issue - programmer GZ-4X, adapter PSOP44-DIP V2 ADP-019 (original from mcumall)- I can't program 29F800 more than 50%. Jumper set to 29F, id reads correctly, reads full flash - also, erases - OK, but when I start writing, it freezes on 50% with red led on on the programmer.

What I'm doing wrong?
ZLM Posted - 03/18/2015 : 15:05:14
Connect A19 on GQ-3X to adapter. Posted - 03/17/2015 : 09:23:08
Any further information about this issue?
ZLM Posted - 08/29/2014 : 20:36:19

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