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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 erase and record AT49F040-12TI

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andres Posted - 12/15/2007 : 10:39:43
Hello I have just received the programmer GQ-3X Re-1.00 with adapter for the memory AT49F040-12TI, I can read the information of the memory but he/she doesn't allow to fade it write it again. you could you explain to me that I should make. thank you
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fabian_12345 Posted - 10/22/2015 : 05:52:47
[quote]Originally posted by andres

Hello I have just received the programmer GQ-3X Re-1.00 with adapter for the memory AT49F040-12TI,

That memory adapter is received and select in the soft programmer.
PD is a little older this topic but I am now emerged the probloema
Thank you,
ZLM Posted - 12/15/2007 : 15:39:46
The chip need to be erased/blank check before write the new data.
The correct steps:

1.Connect the programmer and run the software.
2.Select device from the device list: eg: AT49F020
3.Place the chip in the ZIF. If the chip is not in DIP package, then the adapter is needed.
4.Click on the ID, the chip should be detected correctly. If not, confirm the chip is on correct position in ZIF and well contacted with the ZIF. Also, you may need to clean up the pins if needed.
5.Read the chip twice and checksum should be same.
6.Save the buffer as a file for backup the original data if needed.
7.Change/load the data as needed
8.Erase the chip
9.Do a blank check and the chip should be blank.
10. Click the Write button to write the chip.

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