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 Mach chips

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scrappysphinx Posted - 03/05/2019 : 06:53:30
Hi all, i have the GQ4X (4x4) and i'm wondering if its possible to read and write the Mach series of chips?

They are not in the device list but wondered if they would be known as anything else and if so what adapter would i need?

the chips are PLCC 44 chips.

If its not possible with the gq4x does anyone know of a cheap programmer that could read/write them?

Basically i have a device known as a FastATA for the Amiga computer and its not working, i have borrowed a friends and swapped the chips out for mine and verified mine works and even identified which ic the issue. If i can read his and write myself a new one i could repair my device as the original manufacturer doesn't offer replacement parts.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 03/15/2019 : 05:07:40
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

£26 including shipping

Not so bad for an OEM part.
scrappysphinx Posted - 03/15/2019 : 04:18:00
£26 including shipping
anniel Posted - 03/15/2019 : 04:05:50
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

This one is no longer an issue, after contacting the manufacturer and after a lengthy chat where they initially refused they backed down and sold me a replacement Mach chip. Thanks for looking though :)

Seldom will manufacturers provide such chips! Did they charge you much?
scrappysphinx Posted - 03/14/2019 : 06:53:14
This one is no longer an issue, after contacting the manufacturer and after a lengthy chat where they initially refused they backed down and sold me a replacement Mach chip. Thanks for looking though :)
anniel Posted - 03/14/2019 : 06:49:32
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

Chip is a Mach210A and Datasheet is here

its a 44 pin plcc chip

That datasheet is quite vague on the programming procedure.
scrappysphinx Posted - 03/09/2019 : 08:00:06
Chip is a Mach210A and Datasheet is here

its a 44 pin plcc chip
anniel Posted - 03/05/2019 : 09:34:29
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

Hi all, i have the GQ4X (4x4) and i'm wondering if its possible to read and write the Mach series of chips?

They are not in the device list but wondered if they would be known as anything else and if so what adapter would i need?

the chips are PLCC 44 chips.

If its not possible with the gq4x does anyone know of a cheap programmer that could read/write them?

Basically i have a device known as a FastATA for the Amiga computer and its not working, i have borrowed a friends and swapped the chips out for mine and verified mine works and even identified which ic the issue. If i can read his and write myself a new one i could repair my device as the original manufacturer doesn't offer replacement parts.


Would you have a part number and datasheet?

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