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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 GQ-4X program hangs

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voodoop Posted - 06/14/2019 : 09:26:58
It just stays like that :
Image Insert:

119113 bytes
If I remove the cable :

Image Insert:

169728 bytes

I checked the drivers .
I tried on 2 computers and one laptop .
The same .
21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 07/01/2019 : 03:59:07
Originally posted by voodoop

In this topic only , there are 3 users with the same problem .
Shall I look more ?

You mean 3 users with 3 different problems? Yes, please look some more!
voodoop Posted - 07/01/2019 : 01:55:02

In this topic only , there are 3 users with the same problem .
Shall I look more ?
anniel Posted - 06/26/2019 : 12:46:22
Originally posted by voodoop

It just stopped working . I unplugged it after an eeprom write and , when I wanted to use it again , I got this error .
What could be the cause then ?
Are you serious that you don't hear about these problems ? Shall I look for other threads with this problem ?

Clearly hardware. Please do, I only saw 1 other thread and it did not seem to be the same problem.
voodoop Posted - 06/26/2019 : 07:12:09
It just stopped working . I unplugged it after an eeprom write and , when I wanted to use it again , I got this error .
What could be the cause then ?
Are you serious that you don't hear about these problems ? Shall I look for other threads with this problem ?
anniel Posted - 06/26/2019 : 04:28:35
Originally posted by voodoop

There were no bad soldering . I soldered to be sure .
I think it's a firmware problem . You should make a repair program fot these boxes . There are a lot .

Why would you want to repair something that is not broken? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

What makes you think the firmware is in cause?

Why would I make a repair program? My programmers work fine! If there is so much with your problem how come we don't hear about them?
voodoop Posted - 06/26/2019 : 02:44:05
There were no bad soldering . I soldered to be sure .
I think it's a firmware problem . You should make a repair program fot these boxes . There are a lot .
anniel Posted - 06/25/2019 : 06:05:31
Originally posted by voodoop

I soldered the pins . The same .

If you had bad solder joints at the USB jack look around there must be more.
voodoop Posted - 06/25/2019 : 02:57:39
I soldered the pins . The same .
anniel Posted - 06/20/2019 : 03:18:01
Originally posted by voodoop

I think that , if the jack was broken , the box wouldn't be seen in device manager .
But I will check .

No, dirty or worn contacts and bad solder joints can cause intermittent troubles.
voodoop Posted - 06/20/2019 : 02:34:44
I think that , if the jack was broken , the box wouldn't be seen in device manager .
But I will check .
anniel Posted - 06/19/2019 : 09:09:21
Originally posted by voodoop

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by voodoop

The box is seen in device manager .

That's good.

What's the next step ? :)

Have you looked at the USB jack?
voodoop Posted - 06/19/2019 : 07:02:56
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by voodoop

The box is seen in device manager .

That's good.

What's the next step ? :)
anniel Posted - 06/18/2019 : 04:26:59
Originally posted by voodoop

The box is seen in device manager .

That's good.
voodoop Posted - 06/18/2019 : 04:21:38
The box is seen in device manager .
anniel Posted - 06/18/2019 : 03:26:23
Originally posted by voodoop

I tried everything : cables , computers , laptops , drivers etc.

Have a look at the USB jack.
voodoop Posted - 06/18/2019 : 02:36:30
I tried everything : cables , computers , laptops , drivers etc.
anniel Posted - 06/17/2019 : 07:17:25
Originally posted by voodoop

Is there any solution ?

Did you try another USB cable?
voodoop Posted - 06/17/2019 : 07:03:24
Is there any solution ?
anniel Posted - 06/16/2019 : 05:54:06
Originally posted by voodoop

The same . It hangs .

It must be your programmer then.
voodoop Posted - 06/16/2019 : 05:31:44
The same . It hangs .
anniel Posted - 06/14/2019 : 17:41:48
Originally posted by voodoop

It just stays like that :
Image Insert:

119113 bytes
If I remove the cable :

Image Insert:

169728 bytes

I checked the drivers .
I tried on 2 computers and one laptop .
The same .

And if you reconnect?

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