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 GD25B127D - Is it possible to read and write?

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iceman78 Posted - 10/14/2019 : 09:48:30
Is it possible to read and write?
ID Hex Chip C84018
the programmer gives me as apple computer manufacturer .........
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 10/18/2019 : 11:52:34
Originally posted by iceman78

In the USBProg software select "Device" in the menu then "User Folder" and the "devices.txt" should be there.

Close USBProg.

Open "devices.txt" with notepad, copy the line I provided and paste it at the end of "devices.txt".

Close notepad saving changes.

Reopen USBProg.

The new device should be in the list.

perfect thanks!!!!! now I find myself also comparing original bios. Thanks again

You're welcome!
iceman78 Posted - 10/18/2019 : 10:20:34
In the USBProg software select "Device" in the menu then "User Folder" and the "devices.txt" should be there.

Close USBProg.

Open "devices.txt" with notepad, copy the line I provided and paste it at the end of "devices.txt".

Close notepad saving changes.

Reopen USBProg.

The new device should be in the list.

perfect thanks!!!!! now I find myself also comparing original bios. Thanks again
anniel Posted - 10/18/2019 : 09:29:41
Originally posted by iceman78

Simply add the line to the devices.txt.

sorry but I don't have this file in the software folder. I only see a devices directory with files like this in it:
even by manually creating the file and inserting the line I can't find it in the list of devices.

In the USBProg software select "Device" in the menu then "User Folder" and the "devices.txt" should be there.

Close USBProg.

Open "devices.txt" with notepad, copy the line I provided and paste it at the end of "devices.txt".

Close notepad saving changes.

Reopen USBProg.

The new device should be in the list.
iceman78 Posted - 10/18/2019 : 09:03:34
Simply add the line to the devices.txt.

sorry but I don't have this file in the software folder. I only see a devices directory with files like this in it:
even by manually creating the file and inserting the line I can't find it in the list of devices.
anniel Posted - 10/17/2019 : 10:31:52
Originally posted by iceman78



I do not understand. should I add a new device? how to do? I only see the request to the support to add it.

Simply add the line to the devices.txt.
iceman78 Posted - 10/17/2019 : 07:59:06


I do not understand. should I add a new device? how to do? I only see the request to the support to add it.
anniel Posted - 10/16/2019 : 03:31:51
Originally posted by iceman78

Try with M25P128.

I can read it. obviously it gives me an error id. but I'm not with the bios downloaded from the official website

Try this for the ID.

anniel Posted - 10/16/2019 : 02:46:32
Originally posted by iceman78

Official website?

yes. asus official website

I don't think that Asus hands out bin files of their BIOS. Do you have a link for that?
iceman78 Posted - 10/16/2019 : 00:40:20
Official website?

yes. asus official website
anniel Posted - 10/15/2019 : 11:09:35
Originally posted by iceman78

Try with M25P128.

I can read it. obviously it gives me an error id. but I'm not with the bios downloaded from the official website

Official website?
iceman78 Posted - 10/15/2019 : 10:31:15
Try with M25P128.

I can read it. obviously it gives me an error id. but I'm not with the bios downloaded from the official website
anniel Posted - 10/15/2019 : 08:00:33
Originally posted by iceman78

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by iceman78

Is it possible to read and write?
ID Hex Chip C84018
the programmer gives me as apple computer manufacturer .........

Which device did you select?


it was the last used and I left that. unfortunately, what I need is not there between the devices

Try with M25P128.
iceman78 Posted - 10/15/2019 : 06:53:53
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by iceman78

Is it possible to read and write?
ID Hex Chip C84018
the programmer gives me as apple computer manufacturer .........

Which device did you select?


it was the last used and I left that. unfortunately, what I need is not there between the devices
anniel Posted - 10/14/2019 : 14:46:30
Originally posted by iceman78

Is it possible to read and write?
ID Hex Chip C84018
the programmer gives me as apple computer manufacturer .........

Which device did you select?

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