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 What adapter do i need please :)

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scrappysphinx Posted - 05/17/2022 : 11:39:14
Hi all, i have some of the flash chips that i need to erase and program. I have 5 with the 29F400 chip and 5 with 29F800 in tsop48 package. The end goal is for them to be used as Kickstart chips in the amiga, which usually uses the 27C400 eprom however i don't know what adapter i need to erase and program them. I have seen there is a tsop adapter but that would mean i would need to desolder the tsop each time i needed to program them. I have found a few articles explaining how to program them with the TL866 programmer but hoping someone can advise me on how i can use them with the GQ4X4 i have?

Here is the info on how to program them with the TL866 if that helps

Google Drive link for pic cause attachments don't seem to be working.
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anniel Posted - 05/19/2022 : 02:59:56
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

Hi all, i have some of the flash chips that i need to erase and program. I have 5 with the 29F400 chip and 5 with 29F800 in tsop48 package. The end goal is for them to be used as Kickstart chips in the amiga, which usually uses the 27C400 eprom however i don't know what adapter i need to erase and program them. I have seen there is a tsop adapter but that would mean i would need to desolder the tsop each time i needed to program them. I have found a few articles explaining how to program them with the TL866 programmer but hoping someone can advise me on how i can use them with the GQ4X4 i have?

Here is the info on how to program them with the TL866 if that helps

Google Drive link for pic cause attachments don't seem to be working.

Use a clip if you don't want to unsolder the chips.

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