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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 SRAM TEST 5101, 2114, 6810

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T O P I C    R E V I E W Posted - 06/23/2010 : 01:01:01

i ordered five days ago the GQ-4x programmer.
The devices i want to programming is mainly eproms like 2716 and 2732
but i want to know if i can test SRAM chips like 2114, 5101 and 6810.

If it possible, how can i add the info into devices.txt.
I have spare chips to test if needed and if the tests are successful i can reply the results.

2114 - h**p://
5101 - h**p://
6810 - h**p://

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 06/19/2016 : 15:23:42
Try different speed.

OR you chip is a bad chip.
rgrocha Posted - 06/18/2016 : 15:06:41
First sorry for reviving this old thread.

I'm using a GQ-4X programmer and followed the steps described here: I made an adapter wiring two sockets and connecting equivalent pins following 2114 and 62256 datasheets.

I added your devices description to the file and restarted the app.

I selected the 2114 from teh devices list on the app and connected the adaptar to the ZIP socket on the position shown on screen (close to the bottom).

I put a SRAM chip on it and the write tested with the buffer filled with 0xFF.

The programmer told the was an error:

Write failed, Address=0x00003A, Buffer=0x10 Device=0xF0

I tried 4 different chips, all of them with this very same error.

¿What could be wrong?
I left I/O 4-7 pins on the 62256 socker unconnected, also the -OE control line. IS this right?

Do you have some schematics of the adapter to follows as instructions?

Thank you

Originally posted by ZLM

All of those you can make adapters to test it. Use ADP-023,CPT-022,CPT-039 with self pin mapping from datasheet.

You can add following lines into devices.txt file:

Name="NTE2114",ID="XXXX",Class="DS1230Y",Category="SRAM",MFG="NTE",VCC="5V",Codesize="1024",Adapter="ADP-023,CPT-022,CPT-039 with Self pin mapping",Message="Uncheck the verify, only use Write to test ";
Name="MCM5101",ID="XXXX",Class="DS1230Y",Category="SRAM",MFG="Motorola",VCC="5V",Codesize="256",Adapter="ADP-023,CPT-022,CPT-039 with Self pin mapping",Message="Uncheck the verify, only use Write to test ";
Name="MCM6810",ID="XXXX",Class="DS1230Y",Category="SRAM",MFG="Motorola",VCC="5V",Codesize="128",Adapter="ADP-023,CPT-022,CPT-039 with Self pin mapping",Message="Uncheck the verify, only use Write to test "; Posted - 07/19/2010 : 00:12:49
Many thanks
ZLM Posted - 07/14/2010 : 15:47:19
All of those you can make adapters to test it. Use ADP-023,CPT-022,CPT-039 with self pin mapping from datasheet.

You can add following lines into devices.txt file:

Name="NTE2114",ID="XXXX",Class="DS1230Y",Category="SRAM",MFG="NTE",VCC="5V",Codesize="1024",Adapter="ADP-023,CPT-022,CPT-039 with Self pin mapping",Message="Uncheck the verify, only use Write to test ";
Name="MCM5101",ID="XXXX",Class="DS1230Y",Category="SRAM",MFG="Motorola",VCC="5V",Codesize="256",Adapter="ADP-023,CPT-022,CPT-039 with Self pin mapping",Message="Uncheck the verify, only use Write to test ";
Name="MCM6810",ID="XXXX",Class="DS1230Y",Category="SRAM",MFG="Motorola",VCC="5V",Codesize="128",Adapter="ADP-023,CPT-022,CPT-039 with Self pin mapping",Message="Uncheck the verify, only use Write to test ";
sportbikerr1 Posted - 07/13/2010 : 14:49:35
For the 2114 I was able to make an adapter via a bread board and test it via the 62256 test with limitng the code segment size to 1024.

I do not have details on the others, sorry.

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