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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 GQ4X for testing TTL and RAM

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mpatou Posted - 07/22/2014 : 06:01:46

In the GQ USB Programm device window, there is the TTL/CMOS is visible, but unavailable.

Will it be implemented soon? That would be great, I'm currently looking for a testing device for 74lsXX, and RAM/SRAM IC like 6116/2016/2114 etc... (which are not supported yet).
If it becomes possible with just and update and an adaptator, then no need to change my programmer

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anniel Posted - 02/16/2018 : 07:38:47
Any news on this?
anniel Posted - 05/30/2017 : 14:40:46
Originally posted by supervizeur

A separate forum section should be devoted to new developments and recent devices additions.

supervizeur Posted - 05/30/2017 : 06:51:32
A separate forum section should be devoted to new developments and recent devices additions.
anniel Posted - 05/29/2017 : 09:59:03
Originally posted by supervizeur

How long has this been on the back burner?

Something else we'll never know.
supervizeur Posted - 05/29/2017 : 06:36:53
How long has this been on the back burner?
anniel Posted - 05/07/2017 : 10:07:15
Any news?
supervizeur Posted - 05/06/2017 : 04:51:51
Hi ZLM, any update on TTL, CMOS and RAM testing on GQ4X or GQ-4X V4?
anniel Posted - 02/28/2017 : 04:35:31
"This will be considered in the future software release."

Would it be easier to implement on the GQ-4X V4
supervizeur Posted - 10/19/2016 : 04:20:48
Any time frame?
anniel Posted - 04/06/2016 : 16:00:50
Seems not.
ze7 Posted - 03/31/2016 : 02:42:19
Any news ?
supervizeur Posted - 01/26/2016 : 13:50:48
Any update on a release date for this feature?
anniel Posted - 01/21/2016 : 05:18:22
Still no estimate for release?
anniel Posted - 12/11/2015 : 07:30:27
I'm still in if you need beta testers.
smartbomb Posted - 11/30/2015 : 13:51:56
Consider this my vote for TTL/CMOS testing.

It will just make this device even more valuable and you could even raise the price a little since it would do more.

I have been loving mine since I got my USB cable problem sorted out.

ze7 Posted - 11/26/2015 : 02:00:29
Originally posted by ZLM

This will be considered in the future software release.

Is there an estimated date for this future release?

I'm planning to buy a new programmer and this is the only reason I won't go for the gq-4x...

anniel Posted - 11/19/2015 : 15:19:26
That would be a nice upgrade. Even the cheap Chinese programmers have an IC tester function. Will you need beta testers? Lots of TTL and CMOS chips here.
ZLM Posted - 11/18/2015 : 08:43:04
This will be considered in the future software release.
supervizeur Posted - 11/17/2015 : 07:28:15
TTL/CMOS testing/identification would be nice to have on the GQ4X
keropi Posted - 07/25/2014 : 02:22:49
I find it more annoying that there is a "GAL" category that supports no GALs at all... LOL

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