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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 Random errors on m27c160 and m27c801

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
xaryC Posted - 02/10/2017 : 12:08:21
Hi all,

Monday I received my new gq4x4 programmer with a v3 16bit adapter and I had some EPROMs that I wanted to burn...
first I wanted to burn a batch of m27c160's... first 4 chips went fine but then the problems began...

Since my 4th programmed chip I wasn't able to program any other... I always get random write errors...

I tried using different USB cables, different pc's, different writing speeds, different power supplies,USB 2.0 and 3.0, different USB ports,.... nothing worked out... also tried the jumper on the 16bit adapter changing from v3 to v4 but no avail... used win10 32 bit, win 10 64 bit and win7 64bit...

Yesterday I tried to burn a m27c801 and fails within the first procent of the burning process...

Also the USB cable supplied with the programmer turned out bad because the programmer did not power up when connecting the USB cable... he did communicate because I used that cable to write my first 4 chips that were successful. I had to use a power adapter though... used a 9v 700mA DC adapter... I had no idea till I read it had to beep twice on power up and I never had heard that... now with another USB cable it beeps :-)

I hope someone can help me out here because this is a serious bummer on a newly bought product... I was using a Willem pcb3.1 programmer in the past but with a parallel port but I don't have a parallel port anymore and thought the new programmers would be much better but I seem to be wrong :-(

Thank you in advance!!

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 02/19/2017 : 00:30:38
You do not need the power adapter for those chips.

Make sure your chips are erased completely(30 minutes) and passed the blank check.

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