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 M27V322 error on write.

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Tuco Posted - 11/07/2017 : 13:54:06
I've erased and blank checked M27V322 chips but every time I write to them (I used mulitple chips) I get the same error.

Write failed, address=0x200000, buffer=0x6E Device=0x24

J1 is on 1-2 shorted, J5 is shorting the right two pins. No other jumpers.
It would be nice if some where there was at least a list of device errors so I could work this out myself.

Anyone have a clue were I've gone wrong?
31   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dgee478 Posted - 01/01/2024 : 18:07:12
sorry to dig up an oold thread but i found a possible work around for anyone tying to burn these chips... I had all the above errors time after time no matter what i done. only thing that works was to put in UV eraser again for x2 30min cycles and then let sit overnight and they wrote no worries. using gq4x4 with adp-054 v4.1 adapter, J1 bridged 2&3 and J5 bridged 1&2, added the extra line into devices.txt also at 6.5v. Thanks for your help guys.
anniel Posted - 12/19/2017 : 07:45:42
Originally posted by Tuco

Working on the M27V160 chips now. One out of seven so far.
Holy ****, why does it have to be so difficult?

Older vintage chips and cutting edge chips are on each end of the bell curve for that.
Tuco Posted - 12/19/2017 : 04:24:10
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by ZLM

However, my feeling is the chip problem. May be related to incomplete erasing or over erasing.


Originally posted by ZLM

anniel, than you for all your replies. Can you send an email to too?

Working on the M27V160 chips now. One out of seven so far.
Holy ****, why does it have to be so difficult?


anniel Posted - 12/18/2017 : 04:07:09
Originally posted by ZLM

However, my feeling is the chip problem. May be related to incomplete erasing or over erasing.


Originally posted by ZLM

anniel, than you for all your replies. Can you send an email to too?

ZLM Posted - 12/17/2017 : 08:52:05
The M27V322 uses same read/write algorithm as regular M27C322, except the reading voltage can be as low as 3.6V.

All operation should work as regular M27C322 as long as change the device reading voltage to 3.6V.

Tuco, if you still have problem with is chip, you can send a testing chip to MCUmall to confirm the problem. The chip can sent back to you after problem solved.

However, my feeling is the chip problem. May be related to incomplete erasing or over erasing.

anniel, thank you for all your replies. Can you send an email to too?
anniel Posted - 12/17/2017 : 06:09:46
If you are using GQ-4X and ADP-054 there is no need to connect A19, A20 and A21. address lines.
Tuco Posted - 12/17/2017 : 00:24:28
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by ZLM

The ADP-054 on GQ-4x and GQ-4x4 do not need to connect A19,A20,A21,A22,A23 address lines. The adapter already has those connections to programmer. Unless you are using the adapter not from MCUmall.

The chip need to be erased completely with enough time. If the chip is not erased sufficiently, then the programming may fail on random location.

Change the programming WVCC may help for some EPROMs. IT can be set to 5V, 5.5V,6.2V,6.5V.

Also, change the J5 of adapter may help on those old EPROM's compatibility too.

I think he's using a GQ-3X.

I'm using GQ-4X and ADP-054
J5 done.
J1 set on 27C322.
anniel Posted - 12/16/2017 : 13:42:46
Originally posted by ZLM

The ADP-054 on GQ-4x and GQ-4x4 do not need to connect A19,A20,A21,A22,A23 address lines. The adapter already has those connections to programmer. Unless you are using the adapter not from MCUmall.

The chip need to be erased completely with enough time. If the chip is not erased sufficiently, then the programming may fail on random location.

Change the programming WVCC may help for some EPROMs. IT can be set to 5V, 5.5V,6.2V,6.5V.

Also, change the J5 of adapter may help on those old EPROM's compatibility too.

I think he's using a GQ-3X.
ZLM Posted - 12/16/2017 : 09:37:22
The ADP-054 on GQ-4x and GQ-4x4 do not need to connect A19,A20,A21,A22,A23 address lines. The adapter already has those connections to programmer. Unless you are using the adapter not from MCUmall.

The chip need to be erased completely with enough time. If the chip is not erased sufficiently, then the programming may fail on random location.

Change the programming WVCC may help for some EPROMs. IT can be set to 5V, 5.5V,6.2V,6.5V.

Also, change the J5 of adapter may help on those old EPROM's compatibility too.

anniel Posted - 12/15/2017 : 08:21:01
Originally posted by Tuco

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Tuco

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Tuco

Here's the fix as worked out by anniel.
The A19, A20 and A21 address lines had to be connected from the main board to the adaptor board as per one of the sticky posts.

The tricky part was the devices.txt file had to be altered for the M27V322. User anniel pointed out the write voltage needed to be 6.2v as per the datacheet.

This is the altered line with the added text in red.
Name="M27V322",ID="XXXX",Class="27C322",Category="EPROM",MFG="ST",CodeSize="4194304",VCC="3.3V",Adapter="ADP-054, ADP-055 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER"],WVCC="6.2v";

Thank you. In fact you worked out most of it.

I may have to revoke your Legend status. Every chip has failed since that first one worked. May have just been a coincidence it worked.

Does the chips that fail pass the blank check? Is the ID correct?
You know there is also 6.5V you can try...

Yes, yes and okay will try 6.5v.
These are new chips.

New?!? Where did you get those, they are out of production for quite some time now.
Tuco Posted - 12/15/2017 : 04:14:45
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Tuco

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Tuco

Here's the fix as worked out by anniel.
The A19, A20 and A21 address lines had to be connected from the main board to the adaptor board as per one of the sticky posts.

The tricky part was the devices.txt file had to be altered for the M27V322. User anniel pointed out the write voltage needed to be 6.2v as per the datacheet.

This is the altered line with the added text in red.
Name="M27V322",ID="XXXX",Class="27C322",Category="EPROM",MFG="ST",CodeSize="4194304",VCC="3.3V",Adapter="ADP-054, ADP-055 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER"],WVCC="6.2v";

Thank you. In fact you worked out most of it.

I may have to revoke your Legend status. Every chip has failed since that first one worked. May have just been a coincidence it worked.

Does the chips that fail pass the blank check? Is the ID correct?
You know there is also 6.5V you can try...

Yes, yes and okay will try 6.5v.
These are new chips.
anniel Posted - 12/15/2017 : 03:46:36
Originally posted by Tuco

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Tuco

Here's the fix as worked out by anniel.
The A19, A20 and A21 address lines had to be connected from the main board to the adaptor board as per one of the sticky posts.

The tricky part was the devices.txt file had to be altered for the M27V322. User anniel pointed out the write voltage needed to be 6.2v as per the datacheet.

This is the altered line with the added text in red.
Name="M27V322",ID="XXXX",Class="27C322",Category="EPROM",MFG="ST",CodeSize="4194304",VCC="3.3V",Adapter="ADP-054, ADP-055 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER"],WVCC="6.2v";

Thank you. In fact you worked out most of it.

I may have to revoke your Legend status. Every chip has failed since that first one worked. May have just been a coincidence it worked.

Does the chips that fail pass the blank check? Is the ID correct?
You know there is also 6.5V you can try...
Tuco Posted - 12/15/2017 : 00:20:03
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Tuco

Here's the fix as worked out by anniel.
The A19, A20 and A21 address lines had to be connected from the main board to the adaptor board as per one of the sticky posts.

The tricky part was the devices.txt file had to be altered for the M27V322. User anniel pointed out the write voltage needed to be 6.2v as per the datacheet.

This is the altered line with the added text in red.
Name="M27V322",ID="XXXX",Class="27C322",Category="EPROM",MFG="ST",CodeSize="4194304",VCC="3.3V",Adapter="ADP-054, ADP-055 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER"],WVCC="6.2v";

Thank you. In fact you worked out most of it.

I may have to revoke your Legend status. Every chip has failed since that first one worked. May have just been a coincidence it worked.
anniel Posted - 12/13/2017 : 17:08:48
Originally posted by Tuco

Here's the fix as worked out by anniel.
The A19, A20 and A21 address lines had to be connected from the main board to the adaptor board as per one of the sticky posts.

The tricky part was the devices.txt file had to be altered for the M27V322. User anniel pointed out the write voltage needed to be 6.2v as per the datacheet.

This is the altered line with the added text in red.
Name="M27V322",ID="XXXX",Class="27C322",Category="EPROM",MFG="ST",CodeSize="4194304",VCC="3.3V",Adapter="ADP-054, ADP-055 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER"],WVCC="6.2v";

Thank you. In fact you worked out most of it.
Tuco Posted - 12/13/2017 : 12:27:43
Here's the fix as worked out by anniel.
The A19, A20 and A21 address lines had to be connected from the main board to the adaptor board as per one of the sticky posts.

The tricky part was the devices.txt file had to be altered for the M27V322. User anniel pointed out the write voltage needed to be 6.2v as per the datacheet.

This is the altered line with the added text in red.
Name="M27V322",ID="XXXX",Class="27C322",Category="EPROM",MFG="ST",CodeSize="4194304",VCC="3.3V",Adapter="ADP-054, ADP-055 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER"],WVCC="6.2v";
anniel Posted - 12/13/2017 : 07:01:00
Originally posted by Tuco

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Tuco

Originally posted by anniel

Device setting. Yes it's in the manual section 6 or 2.6 online. Connecting A21 is standard procedure for this adapter but of course if a particular chip doesn't use it I don't think it would make any difference.

Edited txt file and still a big fat fail.

Do they pass the blank check?

I just edited my previous post to -

You legend! Finally it worked!
Will have to look into that when I have to program the M27V160 chips.

I changed the wrong setting in the txt file. When I realised I rectified it and it worked perfectly.

Post your device line it may help someone else or even end up in the official devices.txt.
anniel Posted - 12/13/2017 : 06:57:14
Originally posted by Tuco

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Tuco

Originally posted by anniel

Device setting. Yes it's in the manual section 6 or 2.6 online. Connecting A21 is standard procedure for this adapter but of course if a particular chip doesn't use it I don't think it would make any difference.

Edited txt file and still a big fat fail.

Do they pass the blank check?

I just edited my previous post to -

You legend! Finally it worked!
Will have to look into that when I have to program the M27V160 chips.

I changed the wrong setting in the txt file. When I realised I rectified it and it worked perfectly.

GOOD! Glad to hear you got it to work!

As a reminder to successfully program troublesome chips in 10 steps.

1° Grumble on MCU Mall forum
3° Grumble on MCU Mall forum
4° Read the datasheet
5° Grumble on MCU Mall forum
6° Hope for an easy fix
7° Grumble on MCU Mall forum
8° Plead for a timely fix
9° Grumble on MCU Mall forum
10° Buy a Xeltek

NB. Post your results, it may help someone else.
Tuco Posted - 12/13/2017 : 04:08:02
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Tuco

Originally posted by anniel

Device setting. Yes it's in the manual section 6 or 2.6 online. Connecting A21 is standard procedure for this adapter but of course if a particular chip doesn't use it I don't think it would make any difference.

Edited txt file and still a big fat fail.

Do they pass the blank check?

I just edited my previous post to -

You legend! Finally it worked!
Will have to look into that when I have to program the M27V160 chips.

I changed the wrong setting in the txt file. When I realised I rectified it and it worked perfectly.

anniel Posted - 12/13/2017 : 04:04:12
Originally posted by Tuco

Originally posted by anniel

Device setting. Yes it's in the manual section 6 or 2.6 online. Connecting A21 is standard procedure for this adapter but of course if a particular chip doesn't use it I don't think it would make any difference.

Edited txt file and still a big fat fail.

Do they pass the blank check?
Tuco Posted - 12/13/2017 : 02:49:35
Originally posted by anniel

Device setting. Yes it's in the manual section 6 or 2.6 online. Connecting A21 is standard procedure for this adapter but of course if a particular chip doesn't use it I don't think it would make any difference.

You legend! Finally it worked!
Will have to look into that when I have to program the M27V160 chips.
anniel Posted - 12/12/2017 : 06:42:51
Device setting. Yes it's in the manual section 6 or 2.6 online. Connecting A21 is standard procedure for this adapter but of course if a particular chip doesn't use it I don't think it would make any difference.
Tuco Posted - 12/11/2017 : 13:19:35
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Tuco

Absolutely no luck writing M27V322 chips. I've erased old ones, used new ones never written to, erased new ones, modded the unit as per the sticky posts with the address lines connected, USB power only, external 9V, latest updates on firmware, absolutely nothing I've done works since that one and only chip wrote and worked in the unit it was for.
Months of trying off and on and nothing.
Very, very frustrating!
Ready to put the programmer on ebay and try something else unless someone can give me some reason why I can't write to M27V322 chips.

Just looked at the datasheet, try with the write VCC set to 6.2V.

Is that a program setting or a jumper setting? There's nothing in th manual about it.
Why does a sticky post in this forum sa I need A21 connected from the unit to the adaptor board when V322 does have an A21?
anniel Posted - 12/11/2017 : 05:58:05
Originally posted by Tuco

Absolutely no luck writing M27V322 chips. I've erased old ones, used new ones never written to, erased new ones, modded the unit as per the sticky posts with the address lines connected, USB power only, external 9V, latest updates on firmware, absolutely nothing I've done works since that one and only chip wrote and worked in the unit it was for.
Months of trying off and on and nothing.
Very, very frustrating!
Ready to put the programmer on ebay and try something else unless someone can give me some reason why I can't write to M27V322 chips.

Just looked at the datasheet, try with the write VCC set to 6.2V.
Tuco Posted - 12/11/2017 : 03:14:35
Absolutely no luck writing M27V322 chips. I've erased old ones, used new ones never written to, erased new ones, modded the unit as per the sticky posts with the address lines connected, USB power only, external 9V, latest updates on firmware, absolutely nothing I've done works since that one and only chip wrote and worked in the unit it was for.
Months of trying off and on and nothing.
Very, very frustrating!
Ready to put the programmer on ebay and try something else unless someone can give me some reason why I can't write to M27V322 chips.
anniel Posted - 11/23/2017 : 04:12:09
Originally posted by Tuco

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Tuco

Did the mod, tried slower speeds and got 1 and only 1 to work. Have ordered new chips.

Do you get the same error on all non working chips?

No, the errors varied. Makes me think it's more the chips than the programmer set up.

Probably. Where do they come from?
Tuco Posted - 11/22/2017 : 19:32:20
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Tuco

Did the mod, tried slower speeds and got 1 and only 1 to work. Have ordered new chips.

Do you get the same error on all non working chips?

No, the errors varied. Makes me think it's more the chips than the programmer set up.
anniel Posted - 11/19/2017 : 13:06:04
Originally posted by Tuco

Did the mod, tried slower speeds and got 1 and only 1 to work. Have ordered new chips.

Do you get the same error on all non working chips?
Tuco Posted - 11/19/2017 : 12:35:27
Did the mod, tried slower speeds and got 1 and only 1 to work. Have ordered new chips.
anniel Posted - 11/17/2017 : 08:02:12
Originally posted by Tuco

Thanks ZLM.
I did try that and I got a different error with 3 chips and just tried a 4th and it worked. Woohoo!

Could be bad chips but you can also try a slower speed.
Tuco Posted - 11/07/2017 : 17:13:47
Thanks ZLM.
I did try that and I got a different error with 3 chips and just tried a 4th and it worked. Woohoo!
ZLM Posted - 11/07/2017 : 15:49:24
J1 should on lower two pins.

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