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 Routine Writings Failing Suddenly

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John32 Posted - 10/21/2018 : 14:57:26
I'm trying to write a file on a M27C512. I have literally done this process thousands of times with no error. Suddenly I'm now getting this error on every chip I use:

Write failed, Address=0x000000, Buffer=0x00 Device=0xFF

The blank check function works fine and all chips are blank. What's going on?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 10/23/2018 : 03:38:45
Originally posted by John32

The Hardware is detected and the voltage test said everything passed. I'll be honest, I don't really know what I'm doing with the hardware test. Is there something specific I should be doing?

Look for discrepancies between your readings and the I/O diagnostics page.
John32 Posted - 10/22/2018 : 19:22:38
The Hardware is detected and the voltage test said everything passed. I'll be honest, I don't really know what I'm doing with the hardware test. Is there something specific I should be doing?
anniel Posted - 10/22/2018 : 03:06:54
Originally posted by John32

I've tried different batches and different chips. All are having the exact same error. I'm wondering if my GQ 4X4 is broke?

Try the hardware tests.
John32 Posted - 10/21/2018 : 18:49:03
I've tried different batches and different chips. All are having the exact same error. I'm wondering if my GQ 4X4 is broke?
anniel Posted - 10/21/2018 : 16:32:44
Originally posted by John32

I'm trying to write a file on a M27C512. I have literally done this process thousands of times with no error. Suddenly I'm now getting this error on every chip I use:

Write failed, Address=0x000000, Buffer=0x00 Device=0xFF

The blank check function works fine and all chips are blank. What's going on?

Same batch of chips?
Only M27C512 failing?

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