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 TOP 2003

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
csaba911 Posted - 06/17/2005 : 10:06:00

I have so many problem with this programmer, the v1.54 do not find the programmer hardware 90% of the time and the v2.03c whit English patch is half way English only.

I'm not sure if anyone working on this problems or not, but it was a big mistake to buy anything from you.

After all, I'm is your customer and I need you to fix the problems glitch in the software !

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rjpohl Posted - 01/14/2008 : 17:18:26
where can I get the latest ver of software for the top2003. Having nothing but problems with programmer.

donoughvu Posted - 12/02/2007 : 17:13:16
Top2003 can't to use with WinVista ,good working with all winXP ,when Windows require driver ,you browser to Top\topwinen\driver is successful
Good luck !
rmyers Posted - 10/19/2007 : 09:47:46

I have a Top2003USBprogrammer. I used it successfully on an older laptop which died an untimely death a few weeks ago. I replaced the laptop and then downloaded and installed the software. Now I find myself unable to connect with the device. I suspect a driver problem. Wheere can I find the propere driver for my setup. BTW, the new laptop runs under WinXPPro. The old one use WinXP
csaba911 Posted - 09/25/2005 : 16:24:01

Finaly after many days I have a working programmer under XP.

IF anyone having trouble w/ TOP2003 under XP, use this programming software.

The setup is not in english but the app itself is.
On the same page there is an other app writen for TOP2003 in ENG, but thatone just wont work !!!

Good luck all of you.

mcumall Posted - 07/14/2005 : 11:01:42
Currently we do not have trade-in program.
csaba911 Posted - 06/30/2005 : 21:24:34
Is there any trade in option ?

I do not like this programmer at all, for the fist few month did not touch it at all and now when I like to use it daly it wont work.

The new Easy Pro 80B look's better, just checked the R2005 Software for it.
Definetly is waht I'm looking for, why you/someone make it for the TOP2003, it is clean and finaly all in English.

csaba911 Posted - 06/29/2005 : 07:01:01
Ver 203 work fine on XP but have unreadable characters, ver 201 has eng ch only but imposyble to start up under xp.

Can you/some one work on this !?

Please !

csaba911 Posted - 06/24/2005 : 18:07:16

I have uninstalled the ver203, and intalled the ver201.
Now all I getting is EAccessViolation !!!

After number of restart and intalls got it workin onec!

Now back to error's "EAccessViolation"


mcumall Posted - 06/19/2005 : 17:33:41

I installed English ver 2.01en and selected PIC16F877A chip. It shows everything fine. No Chinese characters.

I believe you posted the picture is not from Englisg Re:2.01. It's the Chinese ver 2.03c with testing English patch.

See ver 2.01en picture:

So, the English version Re.2.01 will solve your problem.

csaba911 Posted - 06/17/2005 : 18:38:20
Yes it is the Ver 2.01 en.

There is any way this program could use a external language pack !

So people can make 100's of diferen language available for the software !?

ps:I realised if I reststart after receiving error, than everything works again until I close the program and start again !

mcumall Posted - 06/17/2005 : 16:16:26
If this is the 2.01en, then the English patch is needed.

It seems the translator still need to know more English phrases.

I'm sure this can be improved.

We'll feedback this issue to manufacturer of TOP2003.
csaba911 Posted - 06/17/2005 : 15:53:43
Thanks for replying, I have purchased my programmer In CANADA, all communication was in English !!
No one set anything about funny characters, and I was very disappointed for HR's of "Can't Read USB", "Programmer BAD" messages.

No I have download another version witch is working "at the moment" if I able to read the screen !

I would think if you target the English market, than at the version 2.03 you would work out at least the Language bugs !!!

Have a look at this !
csaba911 Posted - 06/17/2005 : 15:35:41
I wish I have found this group sooner !!!
I seen many "cant read/write" here.

In the last 3 hr instead of fighting to with TOP2003, I just build an old fashion programmer from scratch.
Maybe not fancy and expensive as the TOP2003 but I have finally uploaded my new code !!!!
Lucky you, got a few more week to work on this buggy software of yours . !

mcumall Posted - 06/17/2005 : 15:32:31
Thank you for your feed back.

The English patch file is only for each particular version. It is not a one-for-all patch. So, if the the revision has no patch, then user can not use other version's patch for this version. Otherwise it will not work stable.

If you found the problem in software, then do check if there are any new release software available. The programmer's software is always keeping updated due do the bug fixes and new devices added. It does not like other software. So, visit and for latest software.

Since the original software is developed in Chinese OS. So, there are some character display compatitibility isssue, you may see some bizarre character displayed somewhere. But this will not affect the functionalities of programmer.

The Chinese version software and the patch is only for testing. It's for those user need do some more testing on different version software to isolate the problem. So, the test patch is not in full English terms. We may use it as a function reference.

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