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 GQ-4x4 TMM27256D issue
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United Kingdom
2 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2019 :  08:44:10  Show Profile

I am new to EPROM burning and I'm slowly crawling up the learning curve

I've had success with 2764 and 2716 chips but now need to check and possibly burn a 27256 (Pinball machine sound ROMs). However the specific chip TMM27256D-15 is not listed under Devices.
I have used other of the 27256 flavours listed but, regardless of wich device I use, my GQ-4x4 only reads FF at every location on one chip and FB at every location on the other.

I don't believe that both chips have suddenly become corrupted to this extent when previously working fine and suggest the GQ-4x4 is struggling to read them.

Both chips report as blank and they appear to be succesfully written and verified with the pinball code but reading them back gives the same result of either all FF or all FB.

Can someone offer any guidance?



GQ-4x4 1.0 @ SW Re. 7.23
USB Driver Re.3.0
Software Re. 7.23
Reply #1


2573 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2019 :  09:45:10  Show Profile
Originally posted by 4ndy_B


I am new to EPROM burning and I'm slowly crawling up the learning curve

I've had success with 2764 and 2716 chips but now need to check and possibly burn a 27256 (Pinball machine sound ROMs). However the specific chip TMM27256D-15 is not listed under Devices.
I have used other of the 27256 flavours listed but, regardless of wich device I use, my GQ-4x4 only reads FF at every location on one chip and FB at every location on the other.

I don't believe that both chips have suddenly become corrupted to this extent when previously working fine and suggest the GQ-4x4 is struggling to read them.

Both chips report as blank and they appear to be succesfully written and verified with the pinball code but reading them back gives the same result of either all FF or all FB.

Can someone offer any guidance?



GQ-4x4 1.0 @ SW Re. 7.23
USB Driver Re.3.0
Software Re. 7.23

Try a lower speed.
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Reply #2


United Kingdom
2 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2019 :  03:21:56  Show Profile
Tried all speeds with the same result.
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