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 27C128, 27C256, 27C512 chip replacement
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28 Posts

Posted - 09/21/2004 :  11:32:28  Show Profile
The SST 27SF512 flash is a drop-in replacement for 27C512 EPROMs. You can use it to replace 27C128, 27C256, or 27C512.For those chip other than 27C512, just adjust the 'Start of Device' value when programming. (For 27C128 original, set to C000 hex. For 27C256 original, set to 8000 hex.)
That is to say, you can use 27C512 to replace 27C128,27C256.

Edited by - someone on 10/04/2004 15:38:40
Reply #1


4 Posts

Posted - 09/22/2004 :  22:07:05  Show Profile
Thank you very much for the info.

Just to confirm. If I have a .BIN from a 256K chip, to make it work on the 512K , all I do is set "Start of Device" address to Hex 8000 ? All will be good ?
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Reply #2


4 Posts

Posted - 09/23/2004 :  18:04:31  Show Profile
Just to confirm, I have had success with the above. I had a .BIN file from a 27C128 eprom and burned it to 27C512, with start address HEX C000.

It worked perfectly ! Thank you for this information. I will try 256K .BIN later.
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Reply #3


28 Posts

Posted - 09/27/2004 :  14:56:36  Show Profile
Some more:
-You can replace a 2716 with 2732 by writting data from 800H offset.
-You also can effectively splitting it into two 2716s: place 2732 chip into the 2716's socket and lift Pin 21 (A11) OUT of the socket. You can then connect Pin 21 to +5 or GND to enable each "half" of the chip.
-You can also do something similar using a 27128 to replace a 2764 by using Pin 26 (A13) to switch the halves.
-Or you can replace a 27128 with a 27256 by using Pin 27 (A14) to switch the halves.

Edited by - someone on 10/30/2004 22:31:34
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Reply #4


28 Posts

Posted - 09/27/2004 :  15:12:34  Show Profile
1kx8 EPROM. 
Requires -5, +5 and +12V. 
 A7 |1    +--+   24| VCC
 A6 |2           23| A8
 A5 |3           22| A9
 A4 |4           21| VEE
 A3 |5           20| /CE
 A2 |6           19| VDD
 A1 |7    2708   18| PRGM
 A0 |8           17| D7
 D0 |9           16| D6
 D1 |10          15| D5
 D2 |11          14| D4
GND |12          13| D3

2kx8 EPROM. 
 A7 |1    +--+   24| VCC
 A6 |2           23| A8
 A5 |3           22| A9
 A4 |4           21| VPP
 A3 |5           20| /OE
 A2 |6           19| A10
 A1 |7    2716   18| /CE
 A0 |8           17| D7
 D0 |9           16| D6
 D1 |10          15| D5
 D2 |11          14| D4
GND |12          13| D3

4kx8 EPROM. 
 A7 |1    +--+   24| VCC
 A6 |2           23| A8
 A5 |3           22| A9
 A4 |4           21| A11
 A3 |5           20| /OE VPP
 A2 |6    2732   19| A10
 A1 |7           18| /CE
 A0 |8           17| D7
 D0 |9           16| D6
 D1 |10          15| D5
 D2 |11          14| D4
GND |12          13| D3

8kx8 EPROM. 
Available in 300 and 600 mil packages. 
VPP |1    +--+   28| VCC
A12 |2           27| /PGM
 A7 |3           26|
 A6 |4           25| A8
 A5 |5           24| A9
 A4 |6           23| A11
 A3 |7    2764   22| /OE
 A2 |8           21| A10
 A1 |9           20| /CE
 A0 |10          19| D7
 D0 |11          18| D6
 D1 |12          17| D5
 D2 |13          16| D4
GND |14          15| D3

16kx8 EPROM. 
Available in 300 and 600 mil packages. 
VPP |1    +--+   28| VCC
A12 |2           27| /PGM
 A7 |3           26| A13
 A6 |4           25| A8
 A5 |5           24| A9
 A4 |6           23| A11
 A3 |7   27128   22| /OE
 A2 |8           21| A10
 A1 |9           20| /CE
 A0 |10          19| D7
 D0 |11          18| D6
 D1 |12          17| D5
 D2 |13          16| D4
GND |14          15| D3

32kx8 EPROM. 
Available in 300 and 600 mil packages. 
VPP |1    +--+   28| VCC
A12 |2           27| A14
 A7 |3           26| A13
 A6 |4           25| A8
 A5 |5           24| A9
 A4 |6           23| A11
 A3 |7   27256   22| /OE
 A2 |8           21| A10
 A1 |9           20| /CE
 A0 |10          19| D7
 D0 |11          18| D6
 D1 |12          17| D5
 D2 |13          16| D4
GND |14          15| D3

64kx8 EPROM. 
Available in 300 and 600 mil packages. 
A15 |1    +--+   28| VCC
A12 |2           27| A14
 A7 |3           26| A13
 A6 |4           25| A8
 A5 |5           24| A9
 A4 |6           23| A11
 A3 |7   27512   22| /OE VPP
 A2 |8           21| A10
 A1 |9           20| /CE
 A0 |10          19| D7
 D0 |11          18| D6
 D1 |12          17| D5
 D2 |13          16| D4
GND |14          15| D3

128kx8 EPROM. 
VPP |1    +--+   32| VCC
A16 |2           31| /PGM
A15 |3           30|
A12 |4           29| A14
 A7 |5           28| A13
 A6 |6           27| A8
 A5 |7           26| A9
 A4 |8   271001  25| A11
 A3 |9           24| /OE
 A2 |10          23| A10
 A1 |11          22| /CE
 A0 |12          21| D7
 D0 |13          20| D6
 D1 |14          19| D5
 D2 |15          18| D4
GND |16          17| D3

64kx16 EPROM. 
VPP |1    +--+   40| VCC
/CE |2           39| /PGM
D15 |3           38|
D14 |4           37| A15
D13 |5           36| A14
D12 |6           35| A13
D11 |7           34| A12
D10 |8           33| A11
 D9 |9           32| A10
 D8 |10  271024  31| A9
GND |11          30| GND
 D7 |12          29| A8
 D6 |13          28| A7
 D5 |14          27| A6
 D4 |15          26| A5
 D3 |16          25| A4
 D2 |17          24| A3
 D1 |18          23| A2
 D0 |19          22| A1
/OE |20          21| A0

256kx8 EPROM. 
VPP |1    +--+   32| VCC
A16 |2           31| /PGM
A15 |3           30| A17
A12 |4           29| A14
 A7 |5           28| A13
 A6 |6           27| A8
 A5 |7           26| A9
 A4 |8   272001  25| A11
 A3 |9           24| /OE
 A2 |10          23| A10
 A1 |11          22| /CE
 A0 |12          21| D7
 D0 |13          20| D6
 D1 |14          19| D5
 D2 |15          18| D4
GND |16          17| D3

512kx8 EPROM. 
VPP |1    +--+   32| VCC
A16 |2           31| A18
A15 |3           30| A17
A12 |4           29| A14
 A7 |5           28| A13
 A6 |6           27| A8
 A5 |7           26| A9
 A4 |8   274001  25| A11
 A3 |9           24| /OE
 A2 |10          23| A10
 A1 |11          22| /CE
 A0 |12          21| D7
 D0 |13          20| D6
 D1 |14          19| D5
 D2 |15          18| D4
GND |16          17| D3

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