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 Newbe Problems/switches & .HEX file
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Richard B. Ahlvin

2 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2007 :  09:25:28  Show Profile
1st try, Trying to program am27c64 with USB burner, ver 1.09.
1) complains about dip switches incorrect although they match the diagram. Is that just an always warning? Also, where can I find documentation about what the switches do?
2) I opened what appears to be a correct Intel.hex file. However, the program code block shows all bytes in the file, including the record control and check-sum. Is that normal? I can edit that out and maybe make things work. I have a good eprom that I can read which looks O-K in the buffer. When I save it to a file, it looks O-K. When I read it back in, it is also O-K.

Hey, I found the problem, the file extension is CaSE SeNSitIve!!!!
It must be lower case!!!! (Now I need to erase my bad eprom...)

Richard Ahlvin
Reply #1


2945 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2007 :  10:48:21  Show Profile
1. the software always remind user to check the DIP switch. So, the message will show up every time you select the new device. You can ignore it if you already set the DIP.
This message text will be modified to let user know it is only a reminder.

2. I do not understand "program code block shows all bytes ...". Please give a exact example. Is it becasuse the extension case sensitive issue?

The hex file extension case sensitive issue will be fixed in next release.
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Reply #2

Richard B. Ahlvin

2 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2007 :  15:05:25  Show Profile
AFAIK, the intel hex file format is a colon(:) followed by the data record length in bytes (2characters), followed by the address (4 characters) followed by a record type (2characters) then followed by the data record (variable number of characters) and finally followed by a 2character checksum.

I discovered that if the .hex file name is in UPPER-CASE (i.e. ".HEX") the data is copied into the internal buffer as-is and the structure is completely ignored; i.e. all characters are copied into the buffer. (The ASCII on the right will look like the .HEX file as viewed by notepad, for example, and the data portion will be the hex equivalent of the ascii characters.)

However, if the file extension is in lower-case (i.e. ".hex") only the proper data (as expected) is copied into the buffer.

Being a complete newbe, I did not know what to expect and did not realize that my .HEX file was being read incorrectly.

I was fortunate in that I happened to have an already programmed eprom and the .hex file that created it, so I was able to puzzle out the problem. However, this is a significant "booby trap"! As it happens, the assembler I am using happens to create its output files with upper-case file extensions.

Now I have burned a good eprom and all (hardware) is working well; (I screwed up my application program code, so I need to fix it and re-do things... but that's what the burner is for...)


Richard Ahlvin
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Reply #3


2945 Posts

Posted - 02/04/2007 :  21:49:15  Show Profile
The GQUSBprg 1.10 fixed the problem.
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