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 Automobile engine ECU, Immo, Air bag chip tunning
 Please advice on possible programmer.
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13 Posts

Posted - 09/09/2009 :  20:34:50  Show Profile
Hi everybody. This is my first post. I'd like to purchase a programmer mostly for different automotive needs. I will be using it for cars that can't be programmed through OBD2 port, mostly German. My friend says that Willem programmer will be enough but I also want to work with chips not found in auto ECU. Rite now I'm working on Chrysler immo with
24LC02B EPROM. I want to read on board and save it so I can work on the dump. I'll attach a pic of it. This is only an example I'll work on all kinds of stuff found mostly in cars so I'm looking for something wery reliable and versitale. I'd really appreciate if you can give me some advice. I also look to buy a hot air station (110V US) and some focus heads. I see you got the station but only one head . Maybe you can point me to good source for them.


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Edited by - AG42 on 09/09/2009 20:45:00
Reply #1


2945 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2009 :  08:52:32  Show Profile
This EEPROM chip is supported. The GQ-4X also supports many other car ECU Flash/EEPROM chips.

The on board programming need a testclip and may need some testing before program it. See:

I think you need to get a SOIC8 adapter (ADP-004), so that you can do the off board programming if on board programming failed.

The rework station comes with 4 hot air nozzel heads, thos are good enough for the most of devices. There are more nozells will in stock.

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Reply #2


13 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2009 :  18:36:32  Show Profile
Thank you for your answer. I was just thinking about buying the GQ-4X, looks like the best one you have.
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