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 File or Device offset??
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Posted - 12/09/2011 :  14:54:37  Show Profile
Hi Guys,

I've been writing some SST27SF512 eproms with my GQ-4X and noticed something strange, or maybe I'm doing something wrong.

I need to write these only starting from address 08000, but bizarrely if I use file offset all goes well but if I instead use device offset it always writes the file starting in 00000 and of course I get a verify error. Shouldn't the result be the same if I use device or file offset?

Although I'm fine using the file offset I would really like to understand this.

thanks and regards,

Edited by - pahlok on 12/09/2011 14:57:07
Reply #1


2945 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2011 :  14:02:27  Show Profile
Both should work if you use those correctly.

The File offset is to set a offset leading space in software when load a data file. Example, if your set the fille offset value is 8000, then the data will be loaded into software buffer from 8000 address. If you use this buffer to write your chip, the chip data will start from 8000 too.

For the device offset is to set a offset leading space in chip(device). If you set the device offset to 8000, and the data in software buffer start from 0000, then when writing the chip, The software buffer 0000 address data will be sent to chip(device) location 8000. The result will be same as file offset 8000. However, the software is unable to verify this chip since your data in software buffer start from 0000 but your chip data is started from 8000. The verify will fail in thise case.

The softwware may need to be improved on this issue. Automatically add the device offset value when doing the verification.
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Reply #2


2 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2012 :  03:36:30  Show Profile
Thanks for answering,

also file offset is greyed out on the interface and you can only modify it when opening the file (at least in SST27SF512 case). Also if you drag the file in to USBprg you won't get the window asking you for offset.
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