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104 Posts

Posted - 12/13/2015 :  23:44:49  Show Profile
I am adding a feature to automatically popup dialog to enter the new flash for Nand or SPI, anyone interested please contact to get a test build.
Reply #1


104 Posts

Posted - 05/15/2016 :  12:03:28  Show Profile
Since a lot users are using GQ5X to program NAND flash on TV.
They also have issue to have a perfect match of the chip due to bad sectors are located differently on the source and target. I am collecting flash files from those users to see if it is possible to create a software tool to allow user to logically copy a chip.
A logically copied chip means it can work on the target however not perfectly matched (verify will fail).

Most preferred TVs are Samsung, please send email to with
1. Source of the file. (from a good TV).
2. Programmed the target and read back (better tell where it gets wrong).
3. Model of the TV and model of the flash chip.
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Reply #2


104 Posts

Posted - 05/15/2016 :  12:04:41  Show Profile
Since a lot users are using GQ5X to program NAND flash on TV.
They also have issue to have a perfect match of the chip due to bad sectors are located differently on the source and target. I am collecting flash files from those users to see if it is possible to create a software tool to allow user to logically copy a chip.
A logically copied chip means it can work on the target however not perfectly matched (verify will fail).

Most preferred TVs are Samsung, please send email to with
1. Source of the file. (from a good TV).
2. Programmed the target and read back (better tell where it gets wrong).
3. Model of the TV and model of the flash chip.
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