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1 Posts |
Posted - 04/15/2017 : 02:02:30
The question is, when recording passes the bad blocks this programmer, or how most cheap just clones the dump regardless of the cells of the chip? Discuss in Russian on the forum |
Edited by - lensmen on 04/18/2017 03:45:49
Reply #1
2579 Posts |
Posted - 04/18/2017 : 04:23:32
Yes the software has a "smart copy" function for bad blocks. |
Reply #2
MANN France
51 Posts |
Posted - 05/04/2017 : 09:27:32
quote: Originally posted by anniel
Yes the software has a "smart copy" function for bad blocks.
attention = avec des K9GAG08UEO-SCBO , la " "smart copy" function for bad blocks." ne fonctionne pas !!! voir discusion ( Clone failure K9GAG08U0E).sur
et pas la peinne d'aller en Russie !!!
Reply #3
2579 Posts |
Posted - 05/04/2017 : 12:41:53
Bien sur que la fonction "smart copy" pour les bad blocks fonctionne avec des K9GAG08UEO-SCBO (si vous voulez bien parler des k9gag08u0e-scb0)!!! Pourquoi ce n'est pas la peine d'aller en Russie??? |
Edited by - anniel on 05/05/2017 05:42:30 |
Reply #4
MANN France
51 Posts |
Posted - 05/05/2017 : 04:34:19
quote: Originally posted by anniel
Bien sur que la fonction "smart copy" pour les bad blocks fonctionne avec des K9GAG08UEO-SCBO!!! Pour ce n'est pas la peine d'aller en Russie???
COMIQUE ! j'ai envoyé au développeur de logiciel , toutes les informations et preuves que cela ne fonctionne pas en conditions d'utilisation réelles sur TV SAMSUNG séries UExxD5700 !! le seul cas où la vérification de copie fonctionne est celui ou le mapping des bad block est identique entre la source et la cible !! Mais ceci est quasiment impossible avec des NANDS neuves et vierges !! Pire , l'effacement du Block N°1 , dans lequel le constructeur a mis le mapping des Bad block à la sortie de fabrication , a été détruit par le logiciel = la pérénité des copies futures est compromise. Après c'est la loterie nationnale ( 70 % de rejet à la copie , en conditions réelles sur TV SAMSUNG ) ... Alors n'affirmez pas n'importe quoi , sans avoir "mis les mains dans le cambouis!" = rappel = mail du développeur ( extrait du 24/04/2017) = Do you think if I make a test build for you to NOT program and erase the first block and you can have a try? It will be option by default is ON and first block will not be changed.
Google traduction =
COMIC! I sent to the software developer, all the information and proofs that it does not work in actual conditions of use on TV SAMSUNG series UExxD5700 !! The only case where the copy check works is the one where the bad block mapping is identical between the source and the target !! But this is almost impossible with new and blank NANDS !! Worse, the deletion of Block No. 1, in which the manufacturer put the Bad Block mapping at the manufacturing exit, was destroyed by the software = the perpetuity of future copies is compromised. After this is the national lottery (70% of rejection to the copy, in real conditions on TV SAMSUNG) ... So do not assert anything, without having "put your hands in the sludge!" = Recall = Mail from the developer (excerpt of 24/04/2017) =
Pensez-vous que si je fais une compilation de test pour ne pas programmer et effacer le premier bloc et que vous pouvez essayer? L'option par défaut est ON et le premier bloc ne sera pas modifié. |
Reply #5
2579 Posts |
Posted - 05/05/2017 : 04:55:40
Effectivement vous êtes un COMIQUE!
Oui, peut-être vous ne parvenez pas à utiliser correctement le programmeur pour votre application même si le développeur du logiciel tente de satisfaire vos désirs.
Mais, vous savez, le monde ne gravite pas autour de vous et d'une série particulière de télés Samsung.
Et pourquoi ce n'est pas la peine d'aller en Russie??? Vous n'aimez pas la Russie? |
Reply #6
2579 Posts |
Posted - 05/07/2017 : 10:08:32
Seems like. |
Reply #7
2945 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2017 : 12:11:52
Always use latest software.
Now the Re1.08 should take card the first blocks and bad blocks. |
Reply #8
462 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2017 : 08:42:39
quote: Originally posted by ZLM
Always use latest software.
Now the Re1.08 should take card the first blocks and bad blocks.
Bravo. A wise man should so write (though in words understood by all men) that wise men only should be able to commend him. |
Reply #9
2579 Posts |
Posted - 06/15/2017 : 12:54:34
quote: Originally posted by supervizeur
quote: Originally posted by ZLM
Always use latest software.
Now the Re1.08 should take card the first blocks and bad blocks.
Bravo. A wise man should so write (though in words understood by all men) that wise men only should be able to commend him.
+1 ZLM always have sound advice to give. |
Reply #10
462 Posts |
Posted - 06/20/2017 : 03:30:20
quote: Originally posted by anniel
quote: Originally posted by supervizeur
quote: Originally posted by ZLM
Always use latest software.
Now the Re1.08 should take card the first blocks and bad blocks.
Bravo. A wise man should so write (though in words understood by all men) that wise men only should be able to commend him.
+1 ZLM always have sound advice to give.
True, that's why he's the boss. |
Reply #11
2579 Posts |
Posted - 06/27/2017 : 10:32:15
quote: Originally posted by supervizeur
quote: Originally posted by anniel
quote: Originally posted by supervizeur
quote: Originally posted by ZLM
Always use latest software.
Now the Re1.08 should take card the first blocks and bad blocks.
Bravo. A wise man should so write (though in words understood by all men) that wise men only should be able to commend him.
+1 ZLM always have sound advice to give.
True, that's why he's the boss.
+1 |
Reply #12

2 Posts |
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